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I have a 10 gallon freshwater aquarium. I have a lobster, a red tail shark and 2 gold gouramis. one of the gouramis kept attacking the other one so much his fins were torn to complete shreads. i figured out that the tank was probably too small for them and i am going on vacation in a month. I had to buy a auto feeder for the 10 gallon but they dont make one for a 1 gallon quarentine.( that is what the mean gourami is in) So i have been looking for a aquarium that was bigger than the other one, so i could put the other gourami back in. Like a 20 gallon, but im 15 and dont have enough money for an all new tank. I felt bad that the gourami would..... DIE over my vacation from starving. So i was saving my money for a 20 gallon but i wasint going to make it before we go in a month. I have been really bummed out lately about it. Until my dad weny out to buy chinese food. I had just god out of the shower when he called me and said, hey someone is giving away a big aquarium for free down the street, my heart SANK. i quickly rushed out to grab it. I got it and it had like a really cool lighting. I guessed that it was probably a 30 gallon hex.( i cant guess) I got it and they said it was never used and it had sat in there garage for 10 years! No leaks or anything when i got it home. so i went online to see how to calculate gallons.... get this its a 75 GALLON HEX AQUARIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so now i have a place to put all of my fish , and the other one wont die. today is like one of the best days of my life!!!!!!!!!!!
:jumping: :cheer:
:joy: :happyfish ***)