The coolest thing I have ever bought!


broomer to bad u didnt have 'minnie me' humping the laser...
The LFS has those laser light set ups, there seems to be 4 or 5 little pointers spread through the tank and they point lasers into the tank. its something different, and its pretty cool. dont know if i'd spend money on it or not but its garunteed to be cool for atleast the first 10 minutes. oh, the coolest thing i ever bought was from a LFS, the new girl sold me 2 bright blue maxima clams for 56.00 bucks and a flame hawk for 21 bucks.

dave flood

I bought them about 2 years ago and hardly ever use them,but when all 5 are on it looks really cool, what I like better is, I have a lite under my tank and I dug out small holes in the sand put tubes in turn off reg tank lites and wow depending on were you have lite shining up it looks really cool:) ( oh theres 2 kinds of lazers the pointer ones that are single, and the one that is spread out with many pointers in a spiral)