The copepods are cool but what the heck is THAT THING?!?!


New Member
I have 5 mushroom corals growing on one of the dozens of pieces of LR in my tank. I was admiring the copepods cruising around on that particular piece when I noticed something new.....
I have observed it for about a month now. Its always ALWAYS in the same hole in the rock. It appears to have only 3 tenticles. They are pale tannish gray with darker brown bands. There appears to be little hairs on these tentacles also. I never see more than that - it never leaves that hole. If it did I am sure it would pick another place to hide also... I thought a banded starfish but wouldnt it have wandered out by now? I have watched it in the day, snuck up on it with a flashlight at night etc. But its always there, hanging out moving its legs, tentacles, whatever.
Anyway, it just hangs out (of the hole - literally). I do not have a pic. of it, nor do I have a digital camera all I can give is this description of it.
Any Ideas? Thoughts? Suggestions?


New Member
it is definitely NOT a feather duster and I thought maybe it was a starfish but after a month wouldnt a starfish come out and wander around even at night and eventually change hidey spots?? I have never seen more than 3 tentacles out at a time, they are about 3/4 of an inch. Bizarre, I have some wierdo monster in my aquarium


New Member
I also have the same in my tank. They are baby starfish. I was at a lfs and saw the same thing and that is what they told me. They will hang out in that whole till they are too big for it. I assume that they will then move to a bigger whole till they are big enough not to be someones dinner. Mine are also on a mushroom rock and seem to take cover under the mushrooms. I have also seen my crabs pull at them so they wont come out in fear of being eaten. Lfs said they are brittle stars. Hope this helps. ;)


New Member
AWWWW I have baby starfishies?!?! OMG how cute!!!!!!!! :D
He is quite obviously hanging out in the protections of the mushrooms like yours and the tentacles DO look like a brittle star!
Oh kewl!! Thanks!! I got a baby starfishy!! :D ;)