The crew


Active Member
Oh, come cant tease us like that and then not give specifications of the setup! How dare you!
Great looksing Bamboo and Epp. tho!!
What species of Moray is that?


Sorry for the tease
The tank is a custom tenecor that's 320 gallons(7' long X 3' wide X 2'tall) I have a 40 gallon sump with a large euroreef skimmer(can't remember the model) UV sterilizer and cpr's biggest wet/dry. The tank has a 30" epaullette, 28" bamboo, 2 cali sting rays and a golden moray. The eel was sold to me as a golden moray, but I've heard them called banana eels too. I'll post some construction pictures in a couple of weeks of the 1000 gallon pond I'm building for my smoothhounds(they're in a different tank).


I'll try and get a full tank shot tonight. It's difficult because I can't get far enough away from it in my basement to get a good shot. I'll post what I can get.


Yes she is a brown banded. I need a male, she lays eggs like crazy. About 80 in the last 2 years.


I know that at 28" a brown-banded is sexually mature.
But I didn't think they were sexually mature for 2 years already at that size.
Still - agreed - sounds like you need a male.


Active Member
hey ac
how is your tnk during feeding?? my shark a bit smaller than yours buy not by much, he bites everyone and anythign in his way of food. he will latch onto my stingrays tails for a solid 10 seconds before letting go..i feed him first and feed him alot but once he smells the food in the water he bites everyone! including my poor lionfish and tangs!
so whats your method?? i see in the one picture it looks to be squidd laying all over the bottom? am i right?? do you just throw a whole bunch in there and let them go at it?


I just throw in the food. It's not very often that the eel comes out, that's why I took the pictures. My bamboo has bitten the disk on my rays a couple of times. Basically looked like a bruise. They've learned that when the shark comes around to get out of the way. Neither shark seems as agressive as yours though. Do you have any pictures of yours to post?


Active Member
i have tons of shots .... heres just a few
see ic ant just throw the food in because my two lionfish will eat all of it before it ever hits the sand bed!
