The crew


Active Member
Originally Posted by AC
I'll post some construction pictures in a couple of weeks of the 1000 gallon pond I'm building for my smoothhounds(they're in a different tank).
I am curious about your smoothhound sharks. I understand that they are a more active swimmer and not so much a bottom dweller. What size is your smoothhound and what size of a tank do you have it in?


I have two smoothhounds that are about 12 inches long each. I have them in a custom tank that is 7' long 30 inches wide and 18 inches tall(200 gallons). They are fairly active, but do rest on the bottom occasionally. This tank is no way large enough and I kind of stubbled into a rescue role with this sharks. Hence the construction of the pond. The pond will be 10 feet long by 5 feet wide and 36 inches deep. I pretty much have all of the expensive parts(skimmer), I'm making the room look pretty(I'm married) first and the actual pond construction could start this weekend. I don't anticipate the construction of the pond to take more than a couple of days. I've been taking some pictures along the way and will post as I get further along.


What species of smoothhound do you have?
There are 3 species that quite available in the U.S.
The Gray - 4' long pacific species.
The Brown - smaller 3' long pacific species
The Atlantic or Dusky - 4' long atlantic species.


Well if they're the Gray or Atlantic(which is also gray in color) then you 1000 gallon pool should be fine for a couple of years.
Given the adult size of either species - two gray or atlantic smoothhounds will need at least a pool 14' long x 7' wide(about 2,000-2,100 gallons). or a 10x10 pool.


wow just surfing the pictures on this forum...and i would always go and look at bamboos at the LFS, and always thought, gee how come i cant find one that looks as good as psusocr1' i asked him how long did it take to lose his bands, and he said not long, but when searching i saw his didnt have the deep colored bands my LFS sell...and now that i see your bamboo..i think i might go with a bamboo, just because they do end up looking really good, and they dont require as much room, so he should love my tank i got for him.
great looking sharks AC


Thanks, sharks are definetely becoming my passion. I just wish I had more room and $$$ :joy: