The Do Not Buy List


Active Member
We have done this before on the board but with so many new people I though it may be fun and helpful to do it again...
So... Do Not Buy...
*Mandarin Dragonet, until you know their feeding habits and can accommodate them.
*Moorish Idol, they almost always parish in aquariums.
Please feel free to post your "Do Not Buys"...


do not buy a mandarin when ur tank has been set up for 4 days and the live rock just went in on the 3rd day!!!
ps. the mandarin is still alive, i dont know how he lived though the cycle??? wasnt my tank, friends


Active Member

Originally posted by mbrands
ReefNut - Is this list intended to be fish only or products as well?

Anything saltwater...


dont get cpr bakpak2. stops skimming and only works as a bio filter about 6 months after purchase. clean it as much as you want, still no result.


annanymous - Thats the first bad experience I've heard regarding the BakPak skimmer.
I've got a few to add:
1. Don't buy a SeaClone skimmer. While others may have had success, there are far more aquarists (myself included) who have had nothing but horrible experiences with them.
2. Don't fall for the marketing scheme of the PowerSweep powerheads. Mine stopped "sweeping" after only a day or two in the tank. I promptly returned it.
3. Don't buy damsels to cycle your tank or as "test" fish to see if the tank is acceptable for other fish.
4. Don't use crushed coral as a substrate, at least until you've researched sand and still decide CC is what you want.


DOH!! I ordered a cpr bakpak2 based on a lot of recommendations on this site.:rolleyes:
It should be here any day.


Active Member
Do not buy (I will probably add to it....):
Harlequin Shrimp (Yes, very much JMO :) )
Linckia seastars on impulse
Basket stars
Feather stars
Dyed corals
Nurse/black tip and some other sharks


Goniopora, Alveopora, any kind of Octopus, Ribbon Eel, and those backgrounds that make your tank look like Atlantis.:)


Active Member

Originally posted by funkyman
DOH!! I ordered a cpr bakpak2 based on a lot of recommendations on this site.:rolleyes:
It should be here any day.

Keep in mind that these are opinions and what works or doesn't work for one may or may not work for someone else. Point is, a lot of people have good luck with the cpr bakpak 2. Safest way to go IMO is with the majority. Usually if the majority of the comments you hear are that it works good, chances are it will work the same for you. Not always though... as with everything else in life.



Originally posted by funkyman
DOH!! I ordered a cpr bakpak2 based on a lot of recommendations on this site.:rolleyes:
It should be here any day.

I have one with the Bubble Eliminator and Surface Skimmer and I have no problems with it....


Active Member
I am going to get a smidge philosophical...
If you are looking at livestock that is, say, over $100 (this is somewhat arbitrary - your level may be different)...
Step back and wonder and research.
Is it because it is big and so more difficult to ship?
Or is it because it is rare in the wild, and should it be left there?
Is it because its survival rate is poor and few get through alive?
Is it because it was tank raised?
There are some answers that are worth the extra money (tank raised), and some that should make you think "its better left in the wild."
Having said this there are plenty of "cheap" animals on the do not buy list too.