The ease of multiplying mushrooms. How to.


Active Member

Originally posted by dopey33
question im a newbie where do these mushrooms come from?
do you have to add them to the tank?

Sometimes if we are lucky they'll come with the live rock. Usually you have to buy them, they sell it at your local fish store or even this site.


thye seem kinda cool...ive only got a smal 10 gal tank could i safely add them to a tank that size after im done cycling.


Was reading along and seen the post and thought my ricordia cutting might be a good aditition to the info. I wacked him in half last night with a razor blade. he was getting a little to big for his area. This morning he was still pissed at the world but seems to be improving. Unfortuantly I have found if you dont get all the xenia off the glass it comes right back at a rapid pace. I seems like you could put one in a blender and dump it in the tank and have 5000 the next morning.


Active Member
wow less then a month it healed, what about the top you cut off? looks like im going to cut some mushrooms tonight