Originally posted by doris
Jugger, thanks for the info. I have my LED's pointed directly into the water. Turning them to face the reflector might turn this into a whole different ballgame where I will be less hesitant to use them.
I'd also like to know if you are using blue, white or red LED's. I currently have the blue but am thinking the white or red may be less intrusive on fish sleep cycles. Input anyone?
sorry for the slow reply.... im using the blue...but i have red and green and they look like crap....nothing in the tank glows with the red and green and they are all so alot brighter....but like i said i havent noticed any difference with my coral and fish since i put them on.... my 6 line still spins a web in the same place every night... i also think ***** has them.... thats where i got mine.. and walmart didnt have them