The Funky Tank


For nine weeks, WOW!!!
Your tank is amazing, hopefully i'll beable to save up for a couple of months and get me somemore coral, at the moment i only have about 9 peices of hard and soft coral in my 5ft, but coral is FLIPPIN' expensive and im gonna be saving for quite a while to afford something really nice again. (on the weekend kinda blew all my money on a frogspawn, a leather and a hammer)
Good luck with your tank and i hope things go well for you!!:)


how big is your tank and what kind of equipment do u have in there. I have a 26 for almost 4 weeks but still under maturing. The weirdest thing is my skimmer is not working proberly. It keep shooting out little bubbles ang it only collect yellow water from the collection cup.


Active Member
VERY NICE!!! The things on the rocks with the zoo's look like pesky mojano anenomes. Do a search on them, they can spread.


Thanks to all. I watch it like a hawk. I haven't got over the salt water paranoia yet. I really owe this site a lot for the knowledge I've obtained trying to pull this off.
The tank is a 50 gallon Oceanic. I have about 75# of live rock, with a few pounds of live sand mixed in with some Argonite reef sand(spelling?).
The filtration is currently the live rock, and a Remora Aqua C skimmer. The 2 big ugly power head (402's) filters you see in the pic are in there temporarily since my skimmer's been down. I hope to have it up and running again today. The powerheads will stay, but the canister filters will go. The Emperor 400 hang on filter is basically a glorified powerhead that goes towards the tank turn around, which I'm also running carbon in. I'm debating about loosing the Emperor right now.
The light is a 36" 2x96 watt Orbit. It has dual daylights, dual actinics, and moonlighting to simulate a full 24 hour day. (I shut the moonlights off before I go to bed though).
If anyone has any input or suggestions on anything that should be changed or will be a problem in the future, please let me know.:joy:
Thank you for the input about the mojano anenomes. I will now embark on a search (for info) and destroy mission with those.:mad:
Well, I have to get back to work for while. Talk to yall more later.