the greatist survival story known to man!!!


no not the donner party.... i got a hitch hiker with some shells i bought yesterday. and last night i saw this very tiny blue rock moving along the sand so i watched it and i realized it was a blue legg without a shell. so i start flippin out cuz i thought it was 1 i bought. so i take a count and it is an extra 1. so here is its story. he came with some shells that were out of water for easily 2 hours. then he walked around in my tank for about 3-4 hours befor i saw him. so then i tried to play god and give him a shell but he would not take it. he whent pased emerald territory. right pasted a emerald and over my couch. then he finally climbed into a shell. he walked a little and realized the shell was too heavy for him so he climbed out and walked all over again. then he found this little shell and climbed inside that. he is now eating more than all of them and i hope i dont have to go through that again. i named him lucky (for obvyous reasons) if any of you have a better 1 i would love to here it.

sea goblin

When i had a fresh water tank i had a huge snail about the size of a half dollar or so. Well on christmas morning i couldnt find him any where in the tank, around the time that we were having dinner, i think around 6PM, i decided that i would check the back of the stand that the tank is on. Well sure enuf he is back there. So i get him out..which wasnt easy because the darn thing fell in the exact middle of the stand which was like 5ft long, and 3 feet high, and 3 inches from the wall. So anyway..I get him out, and wash the dog hair off of him, and then toss him back in the aquarium...10 minutes later he climbing all over the place and is fine. He was out of the water for atleast 10 hours..and could be more because i dont know when he actually fell out of the tank. That very same snail also managed to find a way to get into my whisper filter...and that is still a myster seing as how the only hole into the filter that he could have accessed was about as big as the diameter of a pencil.
Sea Goblin

fish boy

i had a fresh water cray fish in a 20 gallon tank and one day when i went to feed him he was not there so after an hour i found out he climbed up the filter pipe got out of the tank fell like 5 feet off the shelf the tank was on then crawled across the room and i found him under my counch with dust balls on him then he lived for about a year


Great Story.
I have one, but it is regarding FW.
My mom wanted rubber eels. I talked a fish store into ordering me 2. I broght them over to my moms, she was all excited. About a year after she had them, she called in the morning all upset, one of them was missing. I told her to check everywhere in the tank and around the tank. She looked and finally gave up for the night. The next morning she called and told me the bigger one was still missing. I asked her if she checked under the dog beds? (She had 3 dogs, with seperate beds) Sure enough there she was under the dog bed all the way accross the room. She had been out for 24 hours. My mom said that she looked a little smaller, plus she had talk hair all over her. My mom put her back in the tank. She just layed around, by feeding time she was acting like her old self. :) Shortly after the dog bed issue, she got into the whisper pump, my mom said that she looked like the lockness monster swinging her head all over. My mom was worried because the escape one was hogging all the food, at least that is what she thought. She gave her to me, so the smaller of the two would have a chance to eat. (This was shortly after the dog bed issue) I moved her over to my tank in late november. I was feeding her maybe twice a week, she was big. (She was 1 1/2 ft long, but about as around as a nickol) I named her big girl. My mom came over for Christmas and wanted to see her and I told her she never comes out of her cave, and she is even looking lumpy, from not swimming around. Then on Feb 19th, we came home late from the bar (Husbands Birthday), I checked my salt tank then checked the fresh. Everything was fine. I got up around 8:00 AM, did my rounds with checking all the animals. Looked at the fresh tank, looked again, you guessed it. She had 7 babies, they were 5-6 inches long with little capes attached to the back of there heads. ( I am guessing that it was there little sacs) They all survived, I still have big girl with 6 of her babies. The other baby moved in with his dad. The babies are a little over 2 years old now.:D
Thanks for reading my loooonnnnggggg story.