The Hardiest Tang


Active Member
I am forced to ask why though? For the majority of tangs available, they all should be hardy enough. It's not like most tangs are Moorish Idols or Sweetlips. If properly cared for, most tangs will do just fine. The want to know the most hardy tang, obviously would raise a few eyebrows...


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I am forced to ask why though? For the majority of tangs available, they all should be hardy enough
. It's not like most tangs are Moorish Idols or Sweetlips. If properly cared for, most tangs will do just fine. The want to know the most hardy tang, obviously would raise a few eyebrows...
+1...and I'll add that it might be better to work from the other angle up, such as finding out which are the hardest to keep. In that case, I would say that you should not start out with a Powder Blue. Tangs are cool (my favorites), but they require research and proper equipment to handle them.


Active Member
I don't know that there is a right answer...But IMO, Sohal. Even though they come halfway around the world from the Red Sea, most fish die of stress, a Sohal Tang is pretty tough to stress.
I had a Yellow Tang die of "stress", mind you the stress was from my Achilles Tang slapping him in the face over and over.

But also agree with what AquaKnight said.


Active Member
I would say a yellow tang is one of the easiest to care for. That means tank space, diet, acclimation, getting them to eat, peaceful tank mate and pretty hardy in general.


Active Member
Thing explain me then. I can have a Yellow drop over DEAD faster than a Pizza disappears at a jenny Craig meeting. Yet give me a Clown or Powder Blue I can not Kill the sucker.


Well-Known Member

IMO..the hardiest is the yellow tang...but they are so dang mean, they think everything within 6 feet is their spot alone.. My favorite is the Hippo tang.

noah's nemo

From what i have read on various other sites the YT's cousin ,the purple tang is known to be the hardiest of all tangs,if i didn't have a chocolate i would definately have a purple.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Thing explain me then. I can have a Yellow drop over DEAD faster than a Pizza disappears at a jenny Craig meeting. Yet give me a Clown or Powder Blue I can not Kill the sucker.
bad karma, i am dead (no pun intended ) serious I consider myself past entry level in this hobby yet i have killed more RG then anyone i know


Thanks everybody for your answers. The reason why I am asking this question is because I only had one tang before and it was a YT. It died like the same week I got it. The majority of you said that the YT was the hardiest so it has to be true. I bought that YT from a new Fish Store that I found so maybe that had something to do with it. That was the first and last time I bought a fish from them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
bad karma, i am dead (no pun intended ) serious I consider myself past entry level in this hobby yet i have killed more RG then anyone i know
Florida I hear you there. Here is a list of fish that die when I have them Damsels unless they are in my sons tank Royal Grammas Yellow tangs and get this I can cause the death of a Kenya Tree coral. Yet before my tank crash from no power I had a Powder Blue Tang and a Clown tang that I had bought at 2 inches and they were both 5 inches long. I cried when that crash happened.