The Hubby Request...



Can a SFE live with a Hippo Tang, Yellow Tang, Longnose Butterfly, Coral Beauty Angel and Niger Trigger. All of whom would be three times the size of a SFE for the moment?? My hubby wants one, and I think it's a bad bad idea....

You will all be the voice of reason...


Should be fine, what size tank do you have all them in? Make sure you have lots of hiding spots and a secure lid for the eel.


Active Member
id suggest prolly like, 90-100gal, maybe more, keep in mind tho when it comes feeding time to feed trigger first otherwise the eel will not get any food, trust me ive had to feed my eel lots and lots of silversides b4 he got just one, dumb tang. otherwise it sounds like uve got a nice tank
happy eeling


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
id suggest prolly like, 90-100gal, maybe more, keep in mind tho when it comes feeding time to feed trigger first otherwise the eel will not get any food, trust me ive had to feed my eel lots and lots of silversides b4 he got just one, dumb tang. otherwise it sounds like uve got a nice tank
happy eeling
I would say a 150 min for those fish. That is a very busy tank with that fish selection :thinking: I would go as big as you can


Thanks everybody! I've never feed my SWF live food before. Well brine shrimp but they don't count. Will my LFS have silversides? Do eels have to be feed live foods?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
id suggest prolly like, 90-100gal, maybe more, keep in mind tho when it comes feeding time to feed trigger first otherwise the eel will not get any food, trust me ive had to feed my eel lots and lots of silversides b4 he got just one, dumb tang. otherwise it sounds like uve got a nice tank
happy eeling
for the fish you have in there they would need a 90 would never do i agree witht he 125 to 150!


Thanks AMS153 I have a 125 in mind, good to know. Any other advice?


Active Member
just when your looking for the tank price them at lots of places because when i was buying a 135 a while back i went to 4 places and the first three wanted between 365-400 and the last one wanted only 300 so just check around before you buy!


I would do nothing less than a 125. The trigger will get at least 12 inches so will the hippo tang. sound like a nice looking tank.


Well I already have the 125 and two smaller tanks so that is probably where they would live. This SWF thing is so addictive, more, bigger, better
Thanks for the shopping around advice you are totally right, I have learned that lesson the hard way.. So I guess the question is can they live in a 125? I could move the anglefish if that would free up some space. See I love this hobby, and my hubby has been along for the ride but I think if he can get this SFE he will be as hooked as I am.. Anyway I appreciate all the help and welcome input. I've only been at this a year so I can use the help.. Thanks everybody