the igorence of some people....



About 2 weeks ago i spent my months money (about $150) on a Navarchus... On Friday evening i died due to cynanide poisoning... I HATE THE PEOPLE THAT DO THAT TO THE POOR REEF!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
I could tell that i was cynanide becuase the fish had a bit of a shaky habit and when it died just to see if it was cynanide i left the fish in the tank for about 6hours and the colour was still as bright as the day i got the fish... i now hate that LFS.....
i stilll can't understand why the **** they still capture fish using this method...
Well watever i just wanted to vent some anger to the people who will understand...


New Member
Yea that is tough but hard to blame it on the LFS, they have no idea, actually most of the wholesalers and transshipper dont know either. cynanide is a tough one even for the natives that use it. In most cases the jobber/collectors out thier wont take the fishermans fish unless he buys ther cynanide from them, so he is kind of screwed to. These jobbers do that so it reduces thier cost and then when the fish has the cynanide in it, it is alot more colorful and easier to sell.
Best thing you can do is to let the LFS know so he caan pass the blame up the pipeline, enough folks do this and something caan be done about it. Also for fish look towards fish that come out of indo or the red sea, the phillipines is still pretty rampant with cynanide
hope it helps and sorry for the loss.

jb rekit

It's real big problem with tangs. I decided to take my chances with a powder brown (about 2 months ago) that was eating at the fish store and even ate in my tank and 2 days later was dead for no appearent reason other than poisoning. Just out of curiosity, I left him in a bucket outside with tankwater and he kept all of his color for about 2 days.