the in-laws


Active Member

after spending 2 days with them, somebody came up with the great idea of going to Lancaster in 2 weeks with them for the weekend :help:
im going to attempt to drown myself in my tank. please do not attempt to save me.


Active Member
see if you can find new fish stores, get them involved people always like to see new great looking fish...even if its only for a few minutes..


If your going to drown yourself, Please take a electrical cord with you.. If your going to die, maybe somebody will grab onto it and take themself too. With your luck your mother in law will grab onto it and you will be condemed with her for eternity........


Active Member
my friend has a really bad cold - he's been spreading it to all the friends in our group for quite some time now...mayhaps you'd like to meet with him and catch it...just in time to have too high of a fever to drive all the way to Lancaster? :thinking:
if it were me, I'd MUCH rather be sick than be in your situation. When you're sick, u can put a pillow over ur head and lock yourself in ur bedroom and not have to hear the dreaded mother-monster moaning about anythingandeverything. :mad:
Good luck! :jumping:


Active Member
ha- there is some justice in this world
had a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong talk with the wife last nite.
she knows i realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly dont want to do this. that i would rather get my nuts caught in a toilet seat than go with them.
but then, the same god that answered the people in NO's prayers of hope and help by sending another hurricane their way threw the fat guy here a bone.
wife said, if you come with us, we'll make our last stop before heading home the BIG FISH STORE JUST OUTSIDE OF LANCSTER, no questions asked.
HA HA, im gonna clean up on this deal. im comin home with all kinds of stuff
thus, im gong to take one for the team of all men.


Active Member
i dont think its taking one for the team, if you were, you are more than welcome to come to des moines and go to dinner at my gf's parents house EVERY sunday(my only day off).. I might actually be able to enjoy football and pigging out on very bad foods, mixed with a few sam adams octoberfests!!!! if you were to fill my spot every sunday I will buy you a fish of your choice

ha ghermmm no touching though


Active Member
You think that is bad, I make my husband go on family vacations for 1-2wks every summer with my WHOLE family!!! (my parents and my 4 siblings!)
Oh and it gets even worse, my husband works for my family's business, so not only does he have to go on vacation with his In-laws, but also with his BOSS.
consider yourself lucky......


you have to get permission from your wife , that like a little kid , haha j/k , its like that with me too
OCTOBERFEST KICKS BOOTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite lager


Active Member
Originally Posted by Oceanist
you have to get permission from your wife , that like a little kid , haha j/k , its like that with me too
OCTOBERFEST KICKS BOOTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite lager
ahhh yes wait till winter brew comes out!!!! ahh now thats the stuff!!!!


Active Member
I have one for you.....
The first time I met my in-laws. I had to travel 24 hours in a plane and then spend the entire month under their roof. Ever been to Malaysia..... :thinking: I did not know what to expect.
No escape....
My in-laws are great so it was not bad at all. Had a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!
I look forward to taking a month off and just unwind.


Active Member
well, did the Lancaster thing with the in-laws
i earned my keep. so i went to that big store, and came home with some nice mushrooms, a royal gramma, and some extras


all i can say is thank God there are MANY miles between our families and us! long distance is really the best! i love them all but can only take them in small doses...very small doses!