the jessica alba appreciation thread


Active Member
jessica alba's only been on the scene say... about 3-4 years.
do not mistake lack of coverage for distinct taste


Originally Posted by Speg
I've heard this girls name before... but I forget why...
A little bit of geekiness coming out here... She starred in Dark Angel on FOX 2000 - 2002 (running around in tight black outfits and kicking butt)

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
She's No Angelina Jolie...

I agree with that. Now that is one hot woman!!!!!!!!


Active Member
I think Angelina Jolie could "whoop" Jessica Alba's Butt...and she'd look good doing it...


Originally Posted by snailheave
jessica alba's only been on the scene say... about 3-4 years.
do not mistake lack of coverage for distinct taste

since i remeber her in camp nowhere with chris lloyd in 94?


Active Member
If you can stand face to face with this chick and say 'sorry, you just dont do it for me' and you are MALE... you really have to question yourself :p Im sorry for being harsh... its true... now I can understand if you'd RATHER have some other chick.. but you cant honestly be a man and say that this girl isnt insanely hott.
I personally cant see what others see in Angelina Jolie... but that doesnt mean that if she was here right now I wouldnt work a move on her. I am a man afterall.


No, not THAT meaning....
I mean it's hard to disagree with that pic... Even an old man like Squidd
would probably find that hot.


I LOVE THIS THREAD we have now brought Angelina Jolie into the mix!!!!!
sigh let me count the ways. "as the mind ponders"
No denying it they are both HOTTTT

Dont think I could choose between them okokok I will take them both MUHAHHAHAH


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave make it more controversial than it already is, i have this to add:...
And I have this to add...
Angelina Jolie could "Whoop" your Butt Too !! But then, so could Jessica Alba for that matter...

But your missing the bigger point here...It's not that she's not a Hottie..I mean she's a looker, she's a "cutie"...But there's no depth...Your just seeing your reflection on the surface...She's too young and pampered to have any "experiance"...There's no "challenge" there...
I mean look at Jessica Simpson...Hot on the outside, empty on the inside...
Have you ever talked to her...? Have you ever looked deep into her eyes..??
All your gonna see is the bottom of her brown roots in the back of her skull...
But what "Perks" the interest in Angelina Jolie is intrigue of the unknown...and the "twists" of the unshown...That woman has had a strange and complicated upbringing, and still bears the mental, emotional and even physical scars...The inner child hidden so well it would take a "Mastery" in the Art of seduction to melt the Carefully crafted "shell" and allow herself the freedom pour out the sultry beauty of her unbridaled passion...Freed from the bondage of her turmoil and past and exuberant in her desire and thirst for the "Now"...
So if you guy's want to make a move on a Woman like her...Go for it...
But You'd better be ready for a Butt Whooping...She'll make you Piss your pants...
Or you could stick with the "Jessica's"...


I just saw the movie "Honey" on cable. She is the main character in the film who is a hip/hop dancer and choreographer for rap videos. She is TOTALLY hot in this film with lots of hot dance outfits, etc.. If you like Jessica you need to see this one.