He is in what will be a aggressive tank. So between the eel,lionfish,puffer, HT or Grouper of some type I am not sure he will make it. Until then he will be a good clean up crew for those messy eaters
I do remember that now that was in the 800 gal tank in OR right. Crazy huge. I have about a 6 " in my 75 reef that does a hell of a job cleaning up extra food the fish don't get to. I think these things are worth keeping around. Was that a bristle worm though?
Originally Posted by Speg
7' not 7"
You're correct, my typo.
Yea that worm was in the 800 gal tank. Not sure what kind it was though.
The biggest bristleworm I've had in my own tank was about 8".
I had a book around here somewhere that talked a lot about ocean worms. The book mentioned a lot of the worms commonly getting 3-6 feet.. I seen that and it ended any dreams of me every scuba diving Also apparently a lot of those worms actually BITE.. which is even more scary a 6 foot worm that'll bite you... what the heck.. forget about sharks.. this water has man-eating worms!