The latest shot of my 75 gallon


Active Member
is that a tomato clown or a seabae? my buddy's store just got two of them, they are so cool i want a seabae but im worried about my gf's false perc. i wonder if theyd fight, i have a 75 as well.. he also got a beautiful seabae anemone, to go with em, they already hosted it, in two days!!! pretty awesome clowns...


Thanks all. The clown is a Clarkii. Here's a closer shot:

He's a great fish. Very active, but he would be aggressive towards other Clowns. Try to get Male/female pairs of Clowns in the same family, introduced to the tank at the same time.
Here's a shot of my new Fairy Wrasse. I'm hoping my 6 Line Wrasse does not beat up on him...