You're right - there are a lot of ways to dose a tank .... especially when talking alkalinity and calcium.
In my opinion, one of the easiest and safest ways to get your levels where you want them is by using B-Ionic buffer/calcium two part products. This stuff is "balanced".
Balanced means you dose so much of part A then an equal amount of part B.
Believe it or not - if your not having problems with your pH, and it's up there around 8.3 or 8.4 average ....... your tankwater is balanced. Even though the alkalinity and calcium levels are low, and much lower than many people strive for .... they are somewhat balanced. This is true only if your pH is around 8.3 or thereabouts.
Having both levels low is often easier to correct than having one level extremely high, and the other extremely low.
You're tankwater is not in bad shape for fish - but corals and coralline algae would sure appreciate higher levels.
Using a balanced two part alk/calcium product right now would be ideal. You could dose equal amouts of A and B ....... and bring your levels up together over a period of time.
You're pH may drop a little druing this process .. if it happens to be high right now.
Once you get them to around
3.00 meq/L ( 8.40 dKH ) 420 ppm calcium
3.50 meq/L ( 9.80 dKH ) 430 ppm calcium
and your pH is still good at 8.2 or so ( and you're okay with lighting ) ...... I'd think you'd be ready to start reef'n with some inverts/corals, and then start a dosing routine with kalkwasser ( much cheaper ), and just as effective at "maintaining" the levels once they're where you want them.
As you know, there are other products available as well that can be used with equal success, but the balanced two parts are very safe and you may find you won't be chasing the numbers as much - trying to figure out the right dosages for your tank.
What's your average pH these days ?