I have to disagree that VHO lights aren't good enough to keep a Bubble tip anemone. I have had the same anemone or one of its clones for 5 years. My dad and I bought the anemone in 1999 for our pair of percula clowns(in a 55 gallon). After two years the anemone had split into about 5 or 6 anemones, most of which we took to a certain store in Terre Heute IN and traded for store credit. I kept one of the anemones(because my dad was tired of it killing his corals). I had the anemone for a year in a 40 gallon tank(no fug), again with VHO lights in which time it split again. I moved to a new apartment where I lived for the last 2 years and the anemone split at least once maybe more. This time the anemone was in a 75 gallon tank with a refugium and guess what, VHO lighting again. I don't think that throwing more lighting at the system is going to fix the problem every time. I agree that PC lighting can't really cut it for anemones, but from my experience it is very possible to keep an anemone under VHO lighting and have it flourish. I'm not saying that VHO will work for all situations, but lets not say it won't work for any.
Let the flames begin.
Let the flames begin.