The look you get when you tell your friends how much your new rock cost!!!


Man, I got it bad too. I went shopping for a new leash for the dog, and came home with an anemone, and some hermits. I can't even go in the lfs, without getting a fish! And watching them...
I sit there for hours a day, then I get on here and spend at least another hour a day.


Oh, as far as the cost of the hobby... I pretty soon will need a second job! My friends all love my tank and all wanted to go out and set one up...until they started the how much was this... or that. Now they all think I'm CRAZY!


Originally Posted by Sinner's Girl
ya'll spend way too much money on the tanks! That's why I don't have reef... Most thought it's funny when I was excited over going on a curise...that meant lr, and the second cruise meant more lr! (we didn't pay for the cruises-they were gifts). I had pictures and could tell you where every piece came from.
When we first got ours, we didn't have stands, they were on the counter and the couch was in front of it. we'd lay there and watch the fish. before we had fish we'd get the water tested and make the rounds (going to all the fish stores), I knew when the stores sold a few or got a new fish...I loved watching the rocks and inverts.
Sadly, my 75gl is in sinner's office and doesn't get much attention, but soon (I hope) it'll be moved to my office where I can watch it more.
Yep, I have a fish fund my extra money goes to...I'm currently spending it for sand, Sinner thinks the money would have better uses. Just wait till I have a job and have more extra money (right now it's just extra money from babysitting or christmas that I use). I have just enough for th rest of my sand and a refractormeter!
Whos tank did the LR go in? Sinners tank right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
Wow, never thought of that, I going to give it a try tonight.....
I've learned to keep my mouth shut and not say how much "things" cost. I made the mistake of telling a friend that I had just spent 2k on LR (curing in a pond for my next display tank) I has given that look where their whole body stiffens up, the nect twitches and you get a couple of long blinks and then the dreaded stare, then they lean over to you and go "you spent how much" then their mouth opens wide, and then you get the "wow, Holy #^ap" responce.......... I've been thru it too many times. Now everything has a standard, fixed price that I reveal for each type of purchase, my LR cost $69, Tank cost $299, fish cost $29 and all equipment purchases cost $49. Example, "Wow, cool fish, how much was the pretty yellow and blue one, $29, how much was the purple tang $29"
This is what I do. Made the mistake once telling how much I REALLY spent and it becomes a mess and do not need the headache.
I do not have the standard price settings but that is pretty cool. I usually devide by 2 and that usually takes care of most purchases, fish etc. People just do not understand how much fun the tank brings :notsure: , but they certainly enjoying staring at it.


I just give this quote to my better half when she asks how much something cost.
"The tank helps me relax and keeps me from killing you!"
She just looks at me and walks away.


New Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
The best part is having to hide new equipment and/or sneaking it into the house to install. Then having to make sure the box is destroyed before it's found.

I can't believe I'm getting away with this one, Slowly all the parts for a new 30g species tank i'm setting up are starting to find there way into various areas of the house, a few weeks ago I sneeked the tank into the house and kinda let it sit around, then a overflow just appeared a week or so latter and has been sitting on a shelf, then the pump fairy "poofed" me a new rio pump thats been sitting in the corner of the garage, A few bags of LS have been sitting in the laundry room etc... In a week or two, I'm going to kinda make my rounds and then announce "Hey, wow, look at this, I've got enough equipment just SITTING around to set up a new tank"
Funny thing is I'll get a away with it, just like i've done with the other 3 tanks
.....Not like were hurting for money or anything, just i've been told that i'm spending to much on this hobby, I figure I make it, I'll spend it....


Yup, it works I have spent thousands this way. :joy:


New Member
Originally Posted by Dutch06
At one time, I had $5k in mine and didn't even own a fish. Just some "sticks on rocks".

Know what you mean, you're preaching to the chior, I had over 7k in a 120g tank before even the first fish or coral!!


Well, it really isn't so bad, our costly insane adicting hobby, is it?? :joy:
Think on the bright side, there are many things people do for a hobby or they are adicted to and it costs big bucks. Just to name a few, and luckily these are not an issue for me (drinking, drugs, gambling, guns, photography, cars...the list goes on).
Geez, with the price of gasoline and cigarettes, they are up there too.
Ya know, I have an employee on my team that must think I am loaded with cash. Most people know that the fish hobby and saltwater/reef hobbies are expensive. To the novice, they don't know how much or what we spend money on - but most people know somehow that it is expensive. Some people might think that 40 dollars is a lot ot spend on a fish or a "blob" thing some people call it - refering to a reef animal, and us fish/reef geeks might be excited because the 40 dollars is a great price. tee hee
Anyhow, getting back to my employee and co-worker. I know he thinks I must be rich to have all my tanks he hears me talk about. And I had a good analogy for him. He is a cigarette smoker. I asked him, how much is an average pack of cigarettes? He said about 6 dollars. I did the math. When you consider that the average person who smokes puts away a pack a day. That's $6.00 X 31 days in a month = $186.00 per month. Geesh, I can just about buy a new skimmer or a new something every month since I don't spend money smoking cigarettes.
I don't spend money doing my nails or hair every week, like many women do. I cut my husbands hair and beard/moustach every few weeks, and I have done that for years. I own 1 pair of shoes that I wear every day.
But I act like a millionair when it comes to spending money for my animals and my fish.
So, I do hope that my comments give some of you thought to your hobby and what you spend, because I support you and totally understand.
Enjoy!!! Don't you dare let a weekend go by without stepping inside a LFS. Don't feel guilty, and don't volunteer how much you spent - just tell people about it. They will get glassy eyed from lack of knoweldge in seconds. Cheers to you!! "ROCK ON!!" No pun intended, yes it is intended.


Active Member
hahaha....yea, i tell my buds that i went and bought a few pieces of rock for 6.99/lb and get the "...rock.....thats...great, let me go outside to get you some more....oh well..if anyone gets on my case i just tell them that everyone has their thing, clothes, starbucks, let's total it up and see who wins, i bet I do...

.......for now


I am ashamed to say my live rock cost more than my wifes engagement ring.

Luckily she's a good sport and loves our fish!


yeah im very new at all this and all i have is a 20 gal.. very little live rock.. and i have about 400 bucks in it so far, and my list of needs are gowing!.... i even want a larger tank now! im gonna see how this goes as far as cycling and this "starter tank" will be my learing curve.
awesome hobby thou..


Originally Posted by maxalmon
The best part is having to hide new equipment and/or sneaking it into the house to install. Then having to make sure the box is destroyed before it's found.

I can't believe I'm getting away with this one, Slowly all the parts for a new 30g species tank i'm setting up are starting to find there way into various areas of the house, a few weeks ago I sneeked the tank into the house and kinda let it sit around, then a overflow just appeared a week or so latter and has been sitting on a shelf, then the pump fairy "poofed" me a new rio pump thats been sitting in the corner of the garage, A few bags of LS have been sitting in the laundry room etc... In a week or two, I'm going to kinda make my rounds and then announce "Hey, wow, look at this, I've got enough equipment just SITTING around to set up a new tank"
Funny thing is I'll get a away with it, just like i've done with the other 3 tanks
.....Not like were hurting for money or anything, just i've been told that i'm spending to much on this hobby, I figure I make it, I'll spend it....

OMG.... I do the same thing! Classic! I buy a lot of my equipment on ----... so I siphon $$$ to my paypal account on the down-low all month! My wife also thinks I am nuts.


Active Member
My fiancé (girlfriend at the time) found out how much I spent on all my live rock and she gave me a look of “ I want to spit in your face and kick you in the nuts”
320 lbs of live rock is not cheap for three tanks, was not a good answer.


Active Member
I just ordered 208lbs (4x52) of Fiji LR, Pom Pom zenia, Green Bubble, 2 green frogspawns, toadstool, 2 croceas (blue and a green) green cloves, 100lbs of LS and a huge blue carpet anemone.The totally amazing part is that it only cost me $199
or was that $1990 :notsure: , nope, it was $199
, I'm positive


Active Member
Oh yeah, it's really amazing how many times my corals have fragged or split and at times they have even morphed into other types of corals overnight.. I swear, they have always been in there......


at times they have even morphed into other types of corals overnight.. I swear, they have always been in there.
Thats great!

I've had the best luck with LR.
All my corals are hitchhikers! Never bought a single one!!

Well.... thats what I told my wife for about 5 years.


New Member
Originally Posted by OMGsaltwat
When I go to work or talk to friends about the new cool rock I just paid $500.00 for you get that look. Then the great words " your crazy" and I just have to
! But the rest of the day everybody ask about your tank. And what the _________ is live rock.
At work, i get the flame from them. " you spent $4500 on your tank and what ever live rock is, and you have no fish? Why do you keep your tank empty for a month? Your crazy out of your mind for spending that much in 1 month. then when they come over, its like WOW. Very nice.