"The March Of The Penguines" movie - did you see it?


I saw the movie tonight with my neice and husband, "The March Of the Penguines".
I loved it.
Did you see it yet? If not, go see it - great movie. I think I would like it on DVD when it comes out on DVD.
Very touching movie and I learned alot.
They are a bird that can withstand extreem cold weather (58 degrees below zero Farenheight" And they can dive and swim underwater for up to 15 minutes.
Almost human like in their family way and devotion. They are birdlike and fish like. Gorgeous creatures. Go see the movie.
I am amused to watch the different body motions used in swimming among various fish. For example, the Harlequin Tusk fish moves in a foward propolsion flapping their pectoral fins together at the same time in the same stroke sequence, very birdlike, but yet they swim. And yet, other fish swim more smoothly.
It blows my mind, luv it.
If you have seen the movie, what did you think. I learned and I was moved by it.

michelle l

I saw it on Thursday. I thought it was great too, although my husband was bored stiff. Unless there ae bombs going off and people being shot, his attention span can't stay focused...

If you like documentaries about nature (like me), it is something that you will enjoy. I LOVED the baby penguins. I'm not sure if I've ever seen anything quite so adorable! I was amazed that the male and female penguins recognize each other's voices when they return and also that the baby knows his daddy when he comes back from his long trek to the ocean to feed, and they have only seen each other once for a short time after the chick hatched. It makes me realize that animals really do communicate with each other, even though humans don't think that they do because they don't use words like we do.
It was sad when the mother penguin was grieving the loss of her baby and she tried to steal another penguin's chick, and I was amazed that the troop stopped her. It also amazed me that even though they stopped her, they didn't stop the booby (or whatever it was) from taking a chick. I wonder why?
It was interesting to see what the penguins go through and live through just to create a new generation. During the storm the temps dropped to -80 degrees PLUS 100 MPH wind chill!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!