The Matrix


Yeah I think so too, I didnt really like the third one that much but I have to admit that the machines with the big guns were awesome!


Active Member
I like the 3rd one ok, but the second was better. How many caught the comparison to Neo and Christ at the end. All layed out like he was crucified as "the one" who saves human kind. I missed it until my wife pointed it out.


I hated how they ended it with Neo because I felt cut short. After that fight he had at the end it was like not getting any closure(spelling) to the movie. Is there going to be a 4th movie?


Not so much for the action, but for the message and mood. While it would have been easy to give the trilogy a happy ending, this film was instead devoted to the immortality of love, even under sad circumstances.
They are three of my favorite films. But should be remembered as one story.


Loved the Mech fight that was cool. I understood a lot of the story so it was not so disappointing to me. I would like to know the story behind Seraph and the Merovingian through.
I felt the end of the third could have been played out better. Longer fight, Neo verbally tricking Smith into doing what he did. But it ended exactly like it should have. Smith was Neo opposite and opposites annhilate each other. Plus the fact that Neo was connected to the source at that point. And programs marked for deletion are to return to the source. Something Smith would not do himself. According to the matrix online trailer all the characters in the movie are in the game. But getting to meet one of them will be a remarkable feat in itself. So Smith and Neo are not gone, simply out of the picture for the moment. Hopefully the same is true of Trinity. I even have an idea where to look for Neo but I going to do that myself.
The one part I didn't understand was when the sentinels where attacking Neo and Trinity. There is a scene where Neo does not stop one and they cut to a scene of neo being hit by some light like the sentinel was passing through him. But when they cut back the windshield is intact and he is fine. I didn't understand that part. I thought it may be a flash forward like the others he was doing throughout the movie but I am not sure. :notsure:
Originally posted by jkvjl
Is there going to be a 4th movie?

Yes and No. Story continues in the Matrix Online story.


I thought the first one was wonderful... after that, it just got sort of confusing... seemed like the movie was just an excuse to throw in a crap load of cool fight scenes.


Just for fun let's see if anyone else say these hidden items in the movies.
neo room 101, the one.
trinity's rented room 303, trinity is three.
the room neo gets shot at 303.
the screens at the interrogation look alot like the screens in the artitect's room in the second movie.
Oracle's room has night of the lepus is playing, follow the white rabbit. And in the chase scene the prisoner in on the tv, the matrix is a prison for your mind.
And the saying above the door is not know thyself but is really plato: to know oneself, learn for thyself.
In the second movie you see the symbol for pi above the elevators to the merovingians restuarant. Merovingian an order of kings in england. Persophone is wife to hades ruler of the underworld. Merovingian runs Club Hel.
And in that same movie one of the brothers, directors, is a security guard when the Nechanezzar returns to Zion.


Active Member
i say hes still alive this is my take on the ending . neo let smith take him over and all the smiths are connected and no cuz of neo there wired into the machine computers and the machin leader just deleted them. either that or with neo gone there was an unbalnced equation that had to be balenced so there for the smiths were destroyed.