The members need to know

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Scott It was with great pleasure I read about what you had to say to the people at Coral magazine in reference to what swf is doing about the Lionfish situation. Perhaps you can post what is going on at SWF to the members that do not get or have a chance to read the mag.

Staff member
As most of you know, the lionfish is not native to the Atlantic Ocean, it is a Pacific species. However, the lionfish has entered Atlantic waters and it is spreading at an alarming rate with no natural predator. It is a real problem down here in Florida.
We have taken on an initiative to purchase atlantic lionfish from all of our collectors in the Caribbean and Florida. Essentially, we have told them that we will purchase all the lionfish that they can collect and then we offer them for sale at greatly discounted rates vs their Pacific counterparts. To my knowledge we are the first (and only) retailer to create this market for the fish collectors.
We believe that part of the solution is to create motivation for their collection with the people that are in the water. Now that we are creating an economic value for the collectors, there is a reason for the lionfish to be collected rather than avoided.
Granted, it is not the solution, but hopefully we can be part of the solution.
Interestingly, they are usually identical to the Pacific lionfish, but generally more robust and healthier. If you are in the market for a lionfish, you should consider an Atlantic Lionfish. We have been selling all that we can get, So I think it is catching on. Plus, we sell them pretty cheap just to move as many as we can.
They are also good eating I am told....