The Mighty Seahorse. Rarrrr


New Member
Would a class specific seahorse tank be possible in say a 12g Nano?
If so I wonder if I could go as far as adding a few soft corals.
My Girlfriend has been asking me to put seahorses in my display tank, but I know they have to be by themselves.
Thanks in advance.


Well they dont have to but it is advised to. Unless you specifically make sure each seahorse gets feed each time and there is a low flow in the tank which most tanks dont have.


Do a ton of research
You need for then a 12 in my opinion. A 20 High would work out nicely with a pair of seahorses. I would go with erectus. You can only keep a certain type of corals. Zoos and mushrooms are okey. Some others are, but I know stuff like frog and hammer are not because the stinging cells can damage the seahorses. Make sure to do a bunch of research.


New Member
Well from what I read on the site, it seems that a 15g would be okay for 2 erectus horses. I'd rather go with maybe a 20g tall though. From what I read it seems as if the more vertical room they have the better.
Seahorses takes everything I know about a FOWLR tank and flips it vertically.
Thanks guys