...The never ending cycle.....


Active Member
Well my tank has been cycling for a month tomarrow. I know thats not a very long time as far as cycle go but man! I am so ready for it to end! I introduced 70 lbs uncured LR and let 'er rip at the beginning of the month. The ammonia skyrocketed off the charts for a couple weeks and came back down. The NO2 went off the chart for a couple weeks ( still kinda is, but getting better ) and im waiting for it to come back down too. I have just been through a nice little diatom bloom which is now gone & turning into kinda green-purple hair looking algae. Getting a lot more activity in there from LR hitchikers too - a coulpe small balck clams that bathe under the MH lighting now, and several worms moving about, some small white snails, etc. There was no activity at all until the last couple days so hopefully its almost done! I also have seen those air bubbles on the sand. I thought some of you guys had lost your mind talking about air bubbles growing on the sand! but here I am.......Ill keep you all posted!
BTW my fuge is alive with all kinda of algae!!
...gotta get some more macros asap!!!


Active Member
Looks fantastic, I like the aquascaping, anytime you start with uncured you have a lot more die off and the cycle will take a bit longer. Are you running your skimmer? If not then I would go ahead and turn it on, it will help finish up the cycle.


looks awesome! i know what you mean with the sandstorm, when i switched my CC to DSB recently mine looked the same for a day and then settled down.


Active Member
i will be setting up my new tank soon & i am curious why you have the powerheads and heater in plain view and not "hidden"? also i noticed a 5 gal jug of bottled water next to your tank, what kind of water did you use?
the rock work looks great! i hope i can do that well :confused:


Active Member
Thanks everyone, I must have re-arranged those rocks 10x to get them like that!
lopeyc - the fuge is underneath in the stand
Birdy - yes the skimmer is on since about day 3. I wasnt planning on running it at first but the water got pretty "funky" !
Cindy - There is no heater on the tank at all, im in south florida - no problems w/ heat around here !:) The power heads are not hidden b/c there is no where to hide them and still keep them effective at circulation & I also had them a little lower at first but they would blow the sand all over the tank! Yes that is bottled water. I found a local water treatment business to buy my water from. They do well systems, RO/DI, etc. & how it works is I pay 6 bucks a month for unlimited RO/DI water from them. I keep 20 gal on hand at all times and they are only a couple miles from my house when I need more. Working out pretty good so far. Good luck with your new tank!
Thanks again,
BTW - there is also 60 lbs of hawaiian base rock im "Seeding" with the LR......total of 130lbs rock.


Active Member
sorry about the heater mix up. i saw something on the back glass and thought that it was a heater. :eek:
and i was just curioius about the powerheads cuz i am going through alot of expense trying to hide everything and then think ugh oh, i am i gonna end up doing that too? :eek:
and the water, great deal there!!! if you told me it was spring water i was gonna choke someone!:D