The new tank!


Well, I'm hoping for a yellow tang, a clown or 2 (introduced at the same time), I'm not sure if it's big enough for a blue hippo or not, but any suggestions for fish?


I would suggest a flame fin tang, powder brown and its OK for a medium blue tang the only thing that I reccomend is that the yellow tang be the smallest tang to reduce aggression


Ok thanks! Can they be added at any time or do I have to wait for the tank to be established? Also, how long should I expect the cycle to start and take? Is it recommended to add a raw shrimp?


Ok thanks! Can they be added at any time or do I have to wait for the tank to be established? Also, how long should I expect the cycle to start and take? Is it recommended to add a raw shrimp?


Well-Known Member
Use raw shrimp in a woman's nylon stocking and measure ammonium until it rises to about 1, then monitor nitrates and ammonium. When ammonium falls to zero do a 10 % water change and add one fish.