The number keeps going down, help!


Yes the number of inhabitants in my tank that is. Last Sunday I lost my sally lightfoot. So far my best guess is starvation. He died because there was no food/ algae left for him. But it does not make sense, I have green algae covering my sand, and have plenty of algae on the rocks. I checked my water, this time I even brought it to the LFS, and they said it's fine. Everything is where they're supposed to be. I also checked and this was my water reading...
Ph 8.2, Ammo 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20. sg 1.023, 78-80 deg. I don't get the nitrate, I don't have any fish, I feed my cleaner shrimp once a day with three pieces of flakes, one right after he finishes the other. Anyway, sally has been living in my tank since December, has no problem with him, suddenly he died, yes he died, he didn't molt.
Another creatures that died are my snails. I had 10, now I'm left with 5. Why? They have been losing their grip, and fshhub suggested that I increase my salinity, I did, but they died anyway.
Now every morning I check on my cleaner shrimp hoping that he's not dead. Can anyone help? I won't be buying any fish until April 13, still waiting for that ich to die.
Out of all those loss, the population of one creature greatly increases, amphipods are everywhere. I've seen lots of them lately, they're like ants. Some are bigger than the other. They walk around during the day and nights. I don't know, they're everywhere. Mandarin goby? Just kidding.
Also I noticed these little white circles on the glass, they look like either little snails or more amphipods. Are these good signs?


I also agree with checking for copper. Was this a used tank? If so, you may have copper from the previous user. Also, check your makeup water. Not only for copper, but to be sure it closley matches your tank water including temperature. Another idea, has anyone sprayed anything near the tank? Could it be contanimated by something in the room? Some say that burning scented candles in the same room can cause problems.
Your trates at 10 is concerning if you do not have anything in the tank. When you lost the fish to ich, did you get them all out of the tank? If so, partial water changes untill the trates are at zero! What type of substrate do you have? If it is CC, that may be the source. Filter? If so, media change... ???
tryin to help,


I know it is very, very hard (for me at least), but try and establish (EVERY animal for a WEEK AT least), and ifanything doesn't make youhappy, DON'T ADD MORE life.
Also, don't add excess supplies, and Don't keep fidgeting in the tank.


I do water 10 percent water change every week. The water is purified tap water, added with stress coat, which supposedly eliminates chlorine and other stuff. And yes I did take out all the dead fish, only had one.
I don't think there will be any trace of copper whatsoever. It's a new tank, and so far I have not put any copper in there. I have live sand and penguin bio wheel for filtration, add to that I have 10 lbs of lr.
Hmm... sprayed something? I sprayed windex onto the glass, but I don't think that's any problem. Many people, experienced hobbyist have used them and do not seem to have problems with it. So, anyone else have any idea?
Thanks again,