The odd couple spawned


Well as you can tell by my avatar I have an odd pair of clowns in my 120. One true perc and one B/W ocellaris misbar. I have been talking with a pretty renowned local breeder in the past couple of weeks about getting them to spawn. He told me to just give them time. He also expressed an interest in rearing the fry since I am not set up if they ever did.
Yesterday morning when I fed my fish I noticed my female was being particuarly aggressive defending their territory. Should have sent a red light but really I didn't think much about it. Well last night I was sitting in my living room eating dinner when I noticed both clowns fanning under the anemone. I got up and looked, low and behold there was a clutch.
I'm pretty excited about this and hopefully will get some cool offspring out of the pair. I have the breeder coming by to siphon the eggs. We shall see what we end up with.

Cant wait to see what the babies look like!!!!! Congrats your a daddy!!! You should be so proud!! Keep us posted. Im so excited for you.


Would people normally say that your pair of clowns should not go together? I am wanting to buy another Clown and I'd love to put a b/w one with my false perc, but I could have sworn I read somewhere that was a no no. Did you just get lucky or can it be done?
BTW Congrats on your babies! Hopefully you will get some great looking clowns!
I've been waiting to see if that would happen for you since you posted the original thread! Congrats! Can't wait to see the kiddos


Thanks guys, I will keep this updated. According to the breeder there is speculation these will create onyx clowns. He is pulling the eggs tomorrow. We shall see what we come up with.


Originally Posted by Jaodissa
Would people normally say that your pair of clowns should not go together? I am wanting to buy another Clown and I'd love to put a b/w one with my false perc, but I could have sworn I read somewhere that was a no no. Did you just get lucky or can it be done?
BTW Congrats on your babies! Hopefully you will get some great looking clowns!
The mix is a rather rare one. A false perc and B/w are commonly paired. There are also instances when the Ocellaris has breed with a true perc. I have not really seen anybody that has paired a true perc with a B/w ocellaris. This is what makes it so interesting.
To answer your question though I was mostly lucky. I decided to take the gamble and it payed off. There are some general rules you can follow that will increase the chances though.
I think it will definitely be interesting to see. I'm more surprised by the osc and perc combination. That is going to make for some amazing coloration. what if you get a reverse onyx? that would be awesome!
Yeah hear any news yet? I just bought my fist pair of tank raised babies (locally tr) and thought about how your little guys were doing. Once they settle down a bit im gonna post some pics. The are Solomon Island Perculas. (rare I guess) cute lil buggers. :) Hope to see pics of yours soon...but really cant wait for a few years to see what they turn into.
clowns...always playin tricks on us like makin us wait to see what their grown up colors will be.


Yes me too! I have the same situation going on and check everyday for a clutch! Also, I have a 12 that is established with nothing but a fire red shrimp in it-could i move the eggs (if it happens) to this tank? Or will the shrimpy eat them? (Which I think is the case). But I could move him to the 24 while they hatch...lots of speculation but gotta be ready!



Originally Posted by jemshores
Yes me too! I have the same situation going on and check everyday for a clutch! Also, I have a 12 that is established with nothing but a fire red shrimp in it-could i move the eggs (if it happens) to this tank? Or will the shrimpy eat them? (Which I think is the case). But I could move him to the 24 while they hatch...lots of speculation but gotta be ready!



I've got to call and get an update. I have been working a bunch. The breeder collected 20 eggs from the clutch and 18 hatched. They also layed another clutch. I havn't been able to get an update yet. Sorry, I will let ya'll know as soon as I hear something.