The OFFICIAL - Fish Feeding Frequency Thread


Active Member
Hey guys,
I was thinking maybe we should have a few "official" threads that all of us, especially the experts, can contribute to so that if a major question comes up, we can refer to the official thread rather than a bunch of small threads here and there.
I was thinking we can make this one the OFFICIAL Fish Feeding Frequency (FFF) thread.
I think in this hobby, since there are a 1000 different opinions and answers to a 1000 questions, maybe we can see what's the majority vote by doing POLLS. Based on the highest % of votes, we'll know what the majority of people out there agree on.
So, please vote for this poll. The more votes, the better.
--- So here is the question:
How many times per day or per week do you feed your fish. We are talking generally. Obviously some fish like to eat more often, some less, but let's not get too technical. On average how often do you feed your fish? PLEASE vote in the poll, rather than writing your answers down.


Active Member
Ah this sucks, I can only put 2 poll options maximum.
I wanted to have 5:
once per day
twice per day
three times per day
once per 2 days
once per 3 days ?
Can a Moderator edit so we can have 5 options?


I voted for 2 times a day. I used to only feed once, but now I have an anthias, so I feed twice a day.


Active Member
I'd like to do twice a day also, but don't have time (with work and stuff). Plus I personally think it's better if the lights go on full swing for 8 hours or so per day (during feeding) rather than once in the morning for a few hours, then again at evening for a few hours.


Well-Known Member
It actually depends on the system. I feed once per day but will resume twice per day if nitrAtes get down to 0.0.
also on how heavy each feeding is.
How about when I am on vacation and the fish don't get fed? no option for 1/week :D


Actually I feed my fish every other day.:yes: My fish are not on the thin side at all. I know my dottyback and dwarf angel eat off of the live rock and glass so they are fine. My clown looks great and I have had him for over a year and a half now and my damsel looks great, too. Of course I could feed them several times a day and they act like they are starving! The food is gone in seconds!:eek:


Active Member
I feed twice a day. Once my fish, then after lights out I feed some shrimp pellets for the inverts.


I feed twice a day.
Will fresh water shrimp pellets make a good meal for my inverts? (snails, hermits, cleaner shrimp)


Active Member

Originally posted by beaslbob
...will resume twice per day "if"
nitrAtes get down to 0.0.

Obviously you need to establish plant life in your tank and "feed" them with tap water...That's the "advice" you give everyone else... :nope:


Once a day for me...I don't want to have a bunch of Obese fish

I used to do twice a day. I used an auto feeder to drop flake and pellets in the morning and I fed frozed Brine and Blood Worms in the evening. My NitrAtes became high and dropped back to once a day. The pigs are still as fat as before.
Did you say feed them Tap Water? LOL :hilarious