The perfect fish for christmas


I love my dragon wrasse he's usually everyone elses favorite. He definitely has a very bold personality, always at the front of the tank. He does like to move my snails around and dig little trenches around all of the LR but other than that he's great, never even thought about touching a coral.
Yeh the bamboo is in the 125 reef he sleeps in the back during the day except feeding time and comes out to play at night. Heres a pick of him eating a shrimp from my feeder stick a few weeks ago.

tony detroit

Active Member
If I could suggest some good shark reading for aquariums:
Aquarium Sharks and Rays by Scott Michael, very informative. Within 1 1/2 years time you will want either a much larger tank or to get rid of the shark. Mine got large very fast.


I plan on doing an aggressive tank also and he will be the first inhabitant. Thanks for the advice though I always appreciate comments or criticism it's the best way to learn.


I'm late on this post but that Wrasse looks like the one I had to give to my LFS because it was mean and wouyld eat my shrimp and crads. Keep this in mind.


Active Member
just an update. i went to the lfs and took a look at their mandarins. i concluded that mine was definately a girl because it hs no antenna or anything behind its head. just the one fin on top. thinks for the help


Active Member
Just an FYI -
There are two species of wrasse in the hobby often referred to as the "Christmas wrasse" and it is extremely important to distinguish them. Thalassoma trilobatum is actually the "true" Christmas Wrasse and it gets huge (a foot or so) and is definitely not reef safe. Halichoeres ornatissimus is the reef safe variety, and is often more commonly referred to as the "ornate wrasse." It is more reef safe than the larger guy, but still a potential risk to smaller crustaceans and stuff.
When I worked in an LFS, the "christmas wrasse" we had was the one most people wouldn't want, except in a large fish only system! Just keep an eye out before buying! :)