The play by play on a Jebo 180 skimmer


Here is a couple of picture2 of my Jebo 182 in action
I have had it running for about 3-4 day and I am still working on the Fine tuning (adjusting the return valve to adjust the time water spends in Skimmer, adjusts the amount of output/skimmed material.


Adjustment knob is on left in this picture...
All the way open... No Skimmed Material bubbles only make it half way up the Cone.
Closed 1/2 way Cup fills in about 30 secs
Closed 1/4 way Cup fills in about 3 hours
Finding the Happy Medium ...


Active Member
this is cool man. wish everyone did this play by play thing with a pic of there tank for all new skimmers bought.. that way we all can read and compare eack skimmer to find the best one for the price u can handle..


i have the 182 and i love it. the only problem was a crack pipe where the powerhead meets the skimmer, nuttin a little super glue couldnt fix. the best 25 bucks i ever spent!!!!!


thats a good hiding place. i never know where to put my crack pipe.


here's the story on the clown and the tang. bud of mine sets up tanks and koi ponds and 'tings of dat nature. he calls me one morning says theres a clown and tang that either are going to die or live in my tank. i say well ok, wasn't what i wanted in the tank but no need in anyone dieing. he brings them over and puts them in the tank. i notice right away what you saw in that picture along with a nice gash in a gill and some damage to his tail. I ask my bud what hte deal was and he said it was like that when he got to the guys house to pick them up. I have kept an eye on him and slowly hes gotten better. the line on his sipe had become much less pronounced and his head looks much better. he eats like a pig, poops like a horse, and seems alright. so if its HLLE? I am not sure, but it has gotten a bit better and he seems quite happy
ps to no one in particular: if your going to flame me for the 55gal w/ hippo save it, i am sure that the 55 is beter than the 1gal porcelin that was the other option :)
pps: the pics of the skimmer are on the camera, my card reader on my machine is wacked, gotta get the usb cable outta a box thats with a slew of other non descript boxes. could take years, but i would bet tommrow or saturday :jumping:


Hey conch great pics, but do you think its possible for you to post more pics of underneath your tank? I want to put a skimmer inside my Amiracle wet/dry sump, and also a small refugium. Im wondering how you did that, and also what type of lighting you have under there


sorry about the continued delay, can't find the usb cable for the camera, so had one ordered. as soon as the store calls I will have more pics.
But as an update and play-by-play:
After I assembled the skimmer, minus the foam filter, I mounted it on a bucket and ran RO/DI and a bit of the tank water through it. I was able to check for leaks and make sure that everything was sealed alright.
I left it on the bucket for a week, mainly because I had been useing stress coat regularly prior to the skimmer. I tried to hook it to the tank but it lost it's mind and started foaming and overflowing the collection cup within seconds.
I finaly get to where I am going to give the skimmer another try on the tank. I hook everything up and start her up. First thing it was still foaming and filling quick...but not quite as quick as before. So I would let it run and fill up. I then threw that water out. IF it came out the collection tube it was garbage. I would do this for an hour or two a night. And slowly but surely it got to where you could control the water level and the microbubbles started going away. The skimmate became darker and thicker, stank a bit more as well :). My general thoughts thus far: 1. it's going through a brakein period that I was warned about and that most other skimmers must go through, so no problem 2. it is getting better 3. IT COST 25 DOLLARS, I say it's already paid for itself. We will continue to watch and see
Pics of the JEBO in action real soon i promise


Smells like a dead post thats been sitting for a month! :)
I would really like to see some more results and pictures. Definitely appreciate the efforts so far. :cheer:


I have a brand new one in the box for $35.00 with shipping.
Let me know if your intreseted and I will give you my email.
I didn't have enough room in my sump, so I had to go with a HOB.
It's jebo 2003 for in sump.