The Pledge of Allegiance in schools

Just wondering who else can remember saying the Pledge of Allegiance every morning at school and do your locals school still say it?
My kids never have said it in school. They have been in schools at KY, AR and NC. The school they went to in KY was a Department of Defense school too....


Active Member
I don't mind that they don't say it in schools much these days. I'm a member of the human race, I'd rather my son pledge allegiance to that.


Active Member
we used to say it every morning.
they dont say it in schools anymore?
more reasons the country is going to hell.


Active Member
Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
we used to say it every morning.
they dont say it in schools anymore?
more reasons the country is going to hell.
WOOT!! i wouldn't have any problem with the pledge if they got rid of "under goD" :)


Active Member
My girlfriend has her class say it every morning . I think its good for them . I also think it should be said the way it was writen . But thats just my opinion .


Active Member
I remember saying it every morning, and I also remember someone standing up and asking a blessing upon the food before we went to the cafeteria

scopus tang

Active Member
Still say it in some schools out here in Wyoming, but its a hit and miss thing. Sad to see things like that go away. Whether you agree with the way it is written or not, it is one of the things that helped make our country what it is today. JMO, but God Bless American and The Human Race!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Still say it in some schools out here in Wyoming, but its a hit and miss thing. Sad to see things like that go away. Whether you agree with the way it is written or not, it is one of the things that helped make our country what it is today. JMO, but God Bless American and The Human Race!
How does has the pledge "made this country what it is today"? I said the pledge everyday. At that time, it was something we had to do and nobody really considered the meaning of the words... they were just something we had to do before sitting in our seats and making spitballs.

I'm not sure why there is such a need to hold on to trivial parts of our childhood. Is there any harm in kids not saying the pledge? Should kids be required to pledge allegiance to the US as the one nation, UNDER G-D? Is this appropriate?
If the pledge of allegiance is so important, why can't parents require their kids to say it? Is it something that the government should require of all kids?


Active Member
because i hate seeing things change from how they were when i grew up.
everything from the pledge to the mlb playoff format.

scopus tang

Active Member
How does has the pledge "made this country what it is today"? I said the pledge everyday. At that time, it was something we had to do and nobody really considered the meaning of the words... they were just something we had to do before sitting in our seats and making spitballs.
I'm not sure why there is such a need to hold on to trivial parts of our childhood. Is there any harm in kids not saying the pledge? Should kids be required to pledge allegiance to the US as the one nation, UNDER G-D? Is this appropriate?
If the pledge of allegiance is so important, why can't parents require their kids to say it? Is it something that the government should require of all kids?
Like I said, JMO. I'll keep mine, you keep yours. Thats part of the greatness of this country, and part of what that flag represents. Maybe if you'd actually spent time paying attention to the words instead of making spitballs you would feel differently, then again maybe not. But I have to wonder what your opinion might be if you lived somewhere other than here, where you didn't have the freedom to make those choices. As for the government requiring it, absolutely not, thats part of what makes this country great freedom to choose. As for parents ~ thats up to them. As for me, I'll continue to take my hat off and salute the flag out of respect for all those who have fought and died to give me and you the freedom to have this conversation in the first place.
Good point........................ NOT!!!!
(there's another piece of our childhood to make you warm and fuzzy).
Your childhood perhaps, not mine!


Active Member
There is a moral concept behind the pledge that is aimed at all immigrants and the disenfranchised borne here. To love the life we are lucky to have here because it could be much worse and is in other places. So be loyal to the contrary that provides the freedom that we have. To help preserve and improve are nation.
Now to God and religion, it’s a code, a guide, a way to live and treat each other humanly with respect and love. A belief in God helps those that need help being morally good to do just that. So the pledge is more effective at reminding us to be good citizens if there is a moral “Ace in the Hole” like God. Most that are apposed to this don’t want the burden of morality.
The argument as to witch God, is for self-reflection and no God is just as good if it can accomplish the needed task…
So the controversy is overshadowing the intended benefit the pledge has given us in the past and no substitute has taken its place.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Good point........................ NOT!!!!
(there's another piece of our childhood to make you warm and fuzzy).

Seriously . It doesn't say to which god . So I think if you don't believe in god then you should hve no problem just not reciting that line but honestly this country could use a little bit more in the morals department.


Active Member
when i was younger, i always saw the term "GOD" as JC's daddy.
as i grew older, i've realized that one nation "under God" really means any God, whether its Jc's pa-dukes, prophet mohammed, or any of the hindi/buddhist/islamic/whatever you worship Gods that are out there.
i think thats part of the problem. the bible thumpers swear its confirmed and can only mean one specific God, and the extreme liberals just see the word God and throw "seperation of church and state" defense around.
i think that everybody believes in something, regardless of religion.
under god just applies to which ever religion you believe in.
if you are athiest, well then majority wins: just omit those words when reciting the pledge.


Active Member
I hate seeing things change as well (for no reason and/or bad reasons). What were the reasons we started saying it in the first place? Why aren't they applicable today?
Though crimzy has a point. Looking back, I can remember just spitting the words out, not really meaning anything. Wish differently now that I'm older. But there are a few kids who do respect what the pledge/flag stands for, and I would hate to take that away for them, just because some of us 'don't care for it.'


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Here we go again

Yep! That's what I was about to say .... Here we go again with the issue of "Under God" in the Pledge. What's the big deal anyways ? It's always been this way for years. So now everybody has a stinking problem over religion ? For those that likes to see "Under God" removed, then you shouldn't need money. Look at your own currency. Every single one of them have the words "In God We Trust" on them. Don't like that ? You don't deserve to have money in YOUR possession !!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Here we go again

Yep! That's what I was about to say .... Here we go again with the issue of "Under God" in the Pledge. What's the big deal anyways ? It's always been this way for years. So now everybody has a stinking problem over religion ? For those that likes to see "Under God" removed, then you shouldn't need money. Look at your own currency. Every single one of them have the words "In God We Trust" on them. Don't like that ? You don't deserve to have money in YOUR possession !!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Seriously . It doesn't say to which god . So I think if you don't believe in god then you should hve no problem just not reciting that line but honestly this country could use a little bit more in the morals department.
I don't technically believe or disbelieve in God and still think I have some good morals... I just so happen to be a Buddhist, and I think Buddhists overall do happen to have a large moral compass (maybe even more so than some so-called "God" fearing/following people, but there are bad eggs in every group). I don't like to get into the religious debates because no one ever wins, people just get angry, but the truth is that some people just don't feel comfortable saying that this is one nation under any God because we might not believe that any God has anything to do with it.