AquaKnight...the United States Assoc. of Reptile Keepers (USARK) and others have tried striking a deal...making it harder to get them as pets, mandatory microchips, etc. We, as a reptile community, have done pretty much everything we can and given every solution we can, but it's became nothing more than a smear campaign. Sen Nelson, from Florida, has been quoted as saying that in just a few short years, people in Detroit are gonna have to be on the lookout for wild Burmese Python, hunting their children and pets, in your backyard. It's rediculous.
It's not just HSUS and other affiliations that are fault. The sole responsibility falls on irresponsible owners...and some businesses.
They claim that the majority of the Everglades population came from people letting their pets go, which is absurd. I don't care if every python owner, in FL, released their wouldn't add up to the numbers we're seeing (which honestly, aren't alot). The majority came from business and breeders, who's shops were hit during hurricane seasons...Andrew, especially.
They claim that the snakes will spread north, when it's a blatant lie. Anything under 60 degrees, for an extended period of time and Burms become sluggish and eventually die. When shipping snakes and it's below 60 degrees, you must ship with heating elements (heat packs, etc), to ensure the temp of the snake or they will die.
Burms couldn't thrive in near north/central Florida for any length of time. Could they make it in the summer?...absolutely. Once fall and winter hit, they're gonners. They've done climate studies, just to prove that fact...another instance which HSUS claims as lies.
This is a problem in where else. It's a problem that needs to be addressed and handled, by Sen. Nelson, in Florida. Him and his campaign dropped the ball and now it's an all out smear campaign. They think the easy fix is going to be a nationwide ban. What they don't care about is it's going to be put a $3 billion a year industry, out of business. When Floridas unemployment rate quadruples, Sen. Nelson is gonna be in trouble.
Thankfully, every bill they've drafted has been shot down by responsible owners and legislation, trying to still protect our constitutional rights. Every time it's shot down, they run back to their little offices, change some wording and then put it through, as a new bill. Someday, they'll learn...hopefully.