the pool table and the tank.......


New Member
Hey im currently putting up a new tank in my basement, well more like choosing a spot. I was wondering if it would be much of a risk to put my tank somewhere close to a pool table? Im an avid pool player and i dont want a miscue that may put a whole in my TANK!
Also.....What fish could i put in a 125 v.s. a 180? I want a FOWLR and im looking at puffers, triggers, and wrasses like the dragon, coris, or tusk. I know this is a vague list so just give me what you'd prefer. Thankyou!

ledzep fan

Active Member
you could try a angelfish. Like the Queen Angel, you could keep it in the 125 for a while. JMO. You should try a angelfish for sure though. They are awsome! Choose the fish you like though.


New Member
Sadly ive never been an angel person. I love triggers though, I deep sea fish a lot in the gulf of mexico and ive been catching these mean fish for a long time. Ha ive even had a small chuch of my arm taken out by one, it was a large one though. Anywho, i was thinking maybe a humu, niger, and umm maybe a blue jaw? They all look different so i figure they might not tear eachother apart haha. Id get them all at a small size but would the two other triggers outgrow the humu? Ive heard they grow really slow.


I can help with the pool table question. I personally would never put my tank close to my pool table. I know when we have people over they play and some are not the most controlled players (especially if they have been drinking). You not only have to think about how you play but how others that you entertain will play as well Kids, nonexperienced players etc.). I would die if a cue went through my tank. If you have to put it near the table, please make sure that there is more than enough room for sticks and room for error. If you do not do much entertaining etc. then the risk goes down, naturally. I don't want to come across rude or anything. Do what you want, but this is just my $.02. Good Luck with your decision :


New Member
Haha well i did ask the question so i could get someones 2 cents, ya i dont think i will. "Controlled" isnt even a word to describe my friends, hell id probably have to worry about pool Sticks going through the tank with them. Ya im putting it near the entertainment center now so my soon to be triggers can watch me play XBox 360


Sounds good
. Actually if we get a second tank for the basement it will be near our entertainment area as well. They will be watching my husband and his friends playing xbox as well


That is true. I didn't think of that. I guess because I have a glass tank.


Active Member
I have a discus tank in my rec room. The tank is probably five feet from the table and off to the side. And of course we break away from the tank. I had some concern at first but my guests know that horseplay and jumpshots in the direction of the tank is not allowed. I love having the tank in the rec room but you're right in thinking it through.
