the pool table and the tank.


New Member
Hey im currently putting up a new tank in my basement, well more like choosing a spot. I was wondering if it would be much of a risk to put my tank somewhere close to a pool table? Im an avid pool player and i dont want a miscue that may put a whole in my TANK!
Also.....What fish could i put in a 125 v.s. a 180? I want a FOWLR and im looking at puffers, triggers, and wrasses like the dragon, coris, or tusk. I know this is a vague list so just give me what you'd prefer. Thankyou!
P.S. I also posted this in the general fishkeeping, i put it in here because im sure the aggresive people can help me with my tanks and FISH!


I wouldn't but a pool table next to the tank. Just IMO ..
a 125 will be fine for some fish inn your list. the puffer will get HUGE though


Active Member
I just put my 210 in my basement and it is about 4 feet from my pool table. I have had it up since August and I have not had any problems.
I would definitely do the 180 if you are looking into getting big fish. A 125 is way too small.


New Member
Well could i put some triggeres in the tank until the summer? Ill be working full time then so I'll be able to afford a 240 gallon. Heres how I have it planned out...
Ill get some Triggers, such as the Humu, Niger, and then maybe a blue jaw and put them in the 125 as babies. They can grow out for a few months and then i can get them there 240 put on the other side of the basement around june or july and keep the 125 and turn it into a reef. That way i'd have the aggressive on one side and a reef on the other. Hows that sound?


New Member
Hey can anyone give me any information on the Hamlets? They seem pretty awesome, and there like smaller groupers. Which is cool, cause i love me some groupers haha. Anyways does anyone have any experience with them?


It depends. What people usually play pool? If it's kids/new players, you really might not want to. If it's a group of sophisticated pool-sharks...well, I still wouldn't want to. But I wouldn't rule it out...just be careful and, possibly, try an acrylic.


New Member
Ya i have put i have the place about 11 feet to the right of the pool table, so i think im ok. So anyways, whos got any info on Hamlets?

darth tang

Active Member
I have been known to send a ball off the table almost 20 feet in my past. I used to play regularly, but the occasional accident can happen. Something to think about. Will the presence of the tank change what shot you are trying to attempt?


Active Member
I say keep it pretty far from the table. You never know who might end up playing on it one day. A big tank like that costs too much to have the risk (any risk IMO) of it being broken.


New Member
Ok thanks i have the pool table problem fixed, but can anyone tell me a overflow/ sump works? Or a good article that tells me what its about? Id rather use this than a over the edge hang on type. Plus i like the idea of adding to me total water volume and tucking my protein skimmer in it as well. So anyways, some info on that would be helpful.