Has anyone had any experience with the Purple Tang is it similar to the yellow tang besides that it’s a carnivore? Is it disease prone? Any information would be appreciated.
the Purple tang in NOT a carnivore. browses on filamentous microalgae and small fleshy macroalgae. (pocket expert guide, scott w. micheal) Where did you get the carnivore info? If it's you LPS than be careful.
I have had my purple tang for a few years now and they are very hardy under the right conditions. Much more hardy then yellows but also three times the price. They thrive on green seaweed, mysis , brine, some meaty foods and other algae.
the purple tang and yellow tang may not be compatible together as they compete for the same foods and have the same body types... in a group they should be fine but one of each there may or may not be issues