Originally Posted by Jon321
I think it can also depend on what fish you have. Something like a mandarin, anthias, idol, and other delicate feeders I would never qt. Jon
Not cool. I had bought a mandarin and thought that since they were pretty much immune, I didn't need to QT. Well, HE was immune, but he brought some unidentifiable parasite in with him, and as a result, every other fish in my tank had to be caught, QT'ed and medicated. Nobody ever could tell me what the parasites were. They were bigger than ick, opaque and stuck to the fishes body randomly. Copper killed them, but I will never add another fish without QTing again!!
That ordeal was not worth passing up QTing. But for a mandarin, I would swith out LR pieces from your display. You are not medicating a QT. If you are then it becomes a hospital tank and for a mandarin, I do not think it would really ever need a hospital tank. But you know, wierder things have happened.
I think it can also depend on what fish you have. Something like a mandarin, anthias, idol, and other delicate feeders I would never qt. Jon
Not cool. I had bought a mandarin and thought that since they were pretty much immune, I didn't need to QT. Well, HE was immune, but he brought some unidentifiable parasite in with him, and as a result, every other fish in my tank had to be caught, QT'ed and medicated. Nobody ever could tell me what the parasites were. They were bigger than ick, opaque and stuck to the fishes body randomly. Copper killed them, but I will never add another fish without QTing again!!
That ordeal was not worth passing up QTing. But for a mandarin, I would swith out LR pieces from your display. You are not medicating a QT. If you are then it becomes a hospital tank and for a mandarin, I do not think it would really ever need a hospital tank. But you know, wierder things have happened.