The Real Term For "With Caution" (my bicolor angel)


Active Member
Ok so I see alot of fish that say reef safe "with caution" I decided to try the bicolor angelfish and I love him! He has not messed with any of my coral or inverts so im worried that I am missing out on some cool fish because of this "with caution" term.
What fish have you been able to keep in a reef that were listed as "with caution" and had no problems?


Well-Known Member

Coral Banded Butterfly fish. Some say they eat aiptasia...some do, and some don't..My experience is that if it eats aiptasia it will eat and nip corals. If it doesn't eat the aiptasia it won't bother coral either


when you see "with caution" its really on a individual to individual basis... you cant take what one person says and apply it to your fish or other organisms. i had the same issue with wanting to get shrimp but i had a psuedochromis that says, "caution with shrimp" so i asked a few people and got a real mixed bag of answers, but i notcied my pseudo was very aggressive toward everything in the tank, so i decided to exchange him. and people have had the opposite luck with them. so the best you can do is go ahead and try the fish but be sure your LFS will do exhanges with you if the fish doesnt work out.


Active Member
My father-in-law used these words when I asked to marry his daughter. Seems to be working out okay after 18 yrs...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Hi Red. Where have you been? IMO “with caution” is a statement to cover the ass of the supplier. Its more of a way of letting you know that you roll the dice with this fish as opposed to a flat out you have no worries adding it to your reef tank


Active Member
I know what you mean by "with caution". My wife ordered a key hole angel from SWF, not thinking about the fact that I already had an Eibli angel in my, when it was time to introduce the key hole to the tank, I rearranged all of my LR in the tank and added the keyhole in the middle of the fracas...they co-existed for more than a year with no problem...
when my wife's 29 was ready, we moved the keyhole to the 29 and they both seemed lost without the other...tried another angel in my 55 after that...and not so lucky!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Your BiColor is also a baby. They are one of the biggest of the dwarf species. If its in anything less than a 75 you will have issues down the road IMO and IME. Mine loves Zoa's