The refugium works!!!!


Advice for newbies. If you do not have a refugium get one!!! I have a 30 gallon long tank that for the life of me I couldn't get the nitrates below 20ppm. I bought an 18" CPR HOB refugium and stocked it w/3lbs LS, 3 lbs LR, and some macroalgae and lit it w/ a coralife 18w mini light 24/7. After a week, the pods were going crazy and my Scooter Blenny wasn't looking that thin anymore. After 2 weeks, my nitrates dropped to 10ppm and I got my first corals. Yesterday (3 weeks) my nitrates were at 5ppm. So I recommend a refugium to anyone starting out in this hobby. I will be upgrading to a 55 gallon soon and plan on using the 30 as a refugium.


Active Member
Did you have an overflow already installed on your 30 gallon? Did you drill...hang on the back overflow...what?


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
Did you have an overflow already installed on your 30 gallon? Did you drill...hang on the back overflow...what?

It was an HOB refugium that they sell for nano's. It's pretty much a HOB filter box but with a small portion of the little goodies you'd find in any other fuge.