The Saga Continues...


Well, my two clowns and a bicolor blenny came down with what I thought was Ich on Easter. I put them in a makeshift quarantine tank. They looked good for a week and a half, then I cam home to them looking as if their skin was sloughing off their bodies. I posted pics and many people confirmed that it was most likely brooklynella. I did three formaldehyde dips for 45 minutes in lenth, each dip was one day apart from the last. I also kept their quarantine tank in hyposalinity, just in case ich was also present. They have been looking good, and I was planning on letting them into their reef home on June 7th....
However, I noticed that my female clownfishes coloring around the very edges/tips of her tail fin and her dorsal fin, as well as her pectoral fins have lost coloring and are clear.
Also, my male clown has a few white spots on him that I noticed only 3 days ago. They look very similar to the brooklynella like spots I saw on him only a few weeks ago.
Was three formaldehyde dips not enough? I dont believe that this could possibly be ich since they are in hypo (although I would say they are at 1.010 rather than 1.009). My only guess as to the color loss of the fins would be a poor diet? Since my qt is uncycled, I have been feeding flake foods rather than the normal mixture of frozen foods like cyclopeze since I am afraid of it causing an ammonia spike in the tank. I feed a mixture of four different flake foods, two are tetra marine products and two are omega one.


Staff member
Post more pictures if you can. What are you using to measure salinity for the hyposalinity. Also, did you use formalin?


I use a refractometer to check the salinity. I could not find any formalin in CA (I heard it is not allowed to be sold in CA) but I used formalin 3 and followed the directions on the bottle for the proper dosing in a bath. I dont think the pics will show anything....


Staff member
What is the % of formaldehyde in formalin 3...I believe it is 3% solution formalin which is way way diluted.
Can you post pictures?