The Saltinity Level Is at 1.025 and rising by the day!



How much water should I remove. Should I take a cup out and replace it with a cup. Until it lowers to 1.021. Thanks for helping me FU MAN CHU
[ April 26, 2001: Message edited by: sanjoseballer ]


you can have the tank any where from 1.21 to 1.23 for the best conditions. What siz is the tank?


New Member
Is there any possiblity the salinity could rise like that if salt that didn't mix sat on the bottom and slowly disolved????


I am assmuing that if a little salt was added each day it should have mixed fairly well unless it was just dumped in.
If the tank is 55 to 75 gals start by replacing 1/2 gal at a time. Besure there is no salt sitting at the bottom of the tank give the water time to mix and check the level again. If you are could to the desired level replace a small amount of water.


The best way to mix your salt is by putting it in your sump. That way it dissolves slowly and gets up into your tank. You're not adding it directly to the tank are you? It could harm the fish.


How are you replacing the water that has evaporated from the tank. You should be using fresh water to top it off. If you are adding saltwater, the salinity level will rise. Water evaporates and leaves the salt behind.


New Member
[hi there. if your saltine level is to hi always have fresh water jug, on hand. so if it gets to high you put that fresh water in it should be good to go. check your water once a week. never add salt right to the tank. always put it in a seperate container an mix it in there, until you get the right salt and gravity level. you can have a level. as low as 1.019 to 1.024. 1.019 is for a fish only tank for a live rock a good level is 1.020 to 1.023.. hope this helps. level is o. QUOTE]Originally posted by sanjoseballer:
<STRONG>How much water should I remove. Should I take a cup out and replace it with a cup. Until it lowers to 1.021. Thanks for helping me FU MAN CHU
[ April 26, 2001: Message edited by: sanjoseballer ]</STRONG>[/QUOTE]