The 15 Day Guarantee


There is probably a post on this already but I was not able to find one. Is it true that they gave a 15 Day Guarantee on their saltwater fish. I have never heard of such a thing....I have read the guarentee and it states anything that says NG in not gurarnteed. I looked at several of the fish and was unable to find NG posted anywhere......Just curious cause if that is the case shoot I'll start buying here instead of the lfs........
Thanks for any info


then your going to start buying fish here.
I recieved a maroon clown that was not doing well. he died the next day. i put him in three bags of salt and viola a week later i recieve a code to type in when i make another order.
then they send me the fish with my order. every thing i have bought here has been really nice.
the guarantee is real
believe it.


Active Member
Their guarantee is real and their livestock is excellent. I buy off of here because I don't have an lfs anywhere around me that has a guarantee.
BTW, the only things I've noticed on here that are "NG" are the blue linckia star and the hippo tang.


And just as a note: they dont put the no guarentee because that species cant be shipped in good healthy. 99% of the NG's are because poor handling by the CUSTOMER jeapardizes the health of the animal and they cannot be held responsible for it.
For example, linkia starfish need a LONG, SLOW drip, hippo tangs are ich magnets, octopus are espcape artists, moorish idols have an attrocious survival record, and seahorses need a VERY specific habitat to survive.