Well, beth, i didn't go right away--i continued to enjoy the board for about 6 months--then our computer was down for almost 3 months--after that life just got REALLY nuts around here for awile. I wound up working nights for a long time and with 3 kids (now have 4) I didn't get anytime during the day-then my husband would get home I'd sleep for 3 hours and do it all over. That coupled with alot of other crud life sent my way--i simply had NO TIME. If I did ever catch a break i figured i should probably try and clean my tanks
Anyway life is pretty settled around here now and we have not one but 2 computers so i should be set. Although you should have seen my husbands face when he saw me on this board again
his comment was
I'm gonna have to go to bed alone again now aren't I?
he looked so sad--so I just promised I would tuck him in first now
All is well with the world once again