the skinny on SG


What is the real advice on what the SG of a fowlr tank should be.. ive heard so many.. but in general.. lower better... higher better???


Active Member
I recommend higher on all types of set-ups. Keeping it closer to the fish's natural habitat, 1.025, is better for them, as well as any inverts you may have.


Active Member
i keep my agressive tank at 1.021-1.023 my reef at 1.024.remeber as water evaperates the sg goes up if you are running overflows your top offs will be more frequent I do weekly water changes when I check sg after water change it wil normally read 1.021-1.023 on my 125 agressive as of the following weeks water change sg will be above 1.028 after daily top offs of fresh ro water 2 gal daily.I check SG with refractometer.much more reliable accurate readings than hydrometer


Active Member
I keep mine at 1.0235......that way when the water evaporates and it gets to the level where I usually need to top it off at, its still within aceptable parameters.......Keeping it at the high end can make it way to high, and I do not keep the tanks at the low end as they all have corals and inverts as well as fish.....


Active Member
well, with an automatic top off system, which I have hooked up to my 210, it never gets above 1.025. But yes, without an automated top off system, I would probably recommend 1.024.


Active Member
Its not agreed upon. Lots of LFS keep it from 1.019-1.021 which is the "traditional" range, though unnatural for the fish. They can tolerate it, but it was always thought to prevent parasitic infections...which it doesn't really do, IMO.
So I would side with keeping it in the range the fish experience in the wild, which is higher.
Add live rock to the equation and I would say it should be kept higher for the critters that live in the rocks.
Either way, people have run tanks successfully. The issue would really be if you decided to add any type of invertebrate (including those on LR), in which case the water needs to be higher specific gravity.