Originally Posted by Outatime97
I also have the green brittlestar and have had a few missing fish. I hand feed him shrimp twice a week (climbs into my hand to take it, my favorite fish!). Anyway, what I do not understand is, when I feed him a small piece of shrimp, his body (disk) gets huge. Wouldn't he be totally out of proportion if he ate a whole fish?
Absolutely yes.
I have 11 brittlestars including 3 large greens and a large aggressive red serpentstar in a 45g. I feed very very heavily...in fact many days may pass when the brittlestars don't even really respond to food in the tank. I had these in smaller tanks as well, with a damsel and sixline...and cleaner shrimp. Never lost anything that was established in the tank. I did lose a clown goby but it was new in the tank, and it is just as (if not more) likely that it died for another reason.
Spot feeding these animals may not prevent predation. That is instinctive. But each individual star is different, each tank is different....it is very difficult to generalize.
But yes, the disk would be very distended...in fact, many brittlestars get big holes in the disk simply because they can't fit the whole meal in and it just breaks through the disk.