the start of my 20L adventure lol


Active Member
metal stand for saltwater is bad joojoo, my gf(jess)'s dad is gonna help me build a stand for this tank.
we think the reason they were freaking out about a tank is cause they were thinking we were gonna do a huge tank LOL they saw the tank when i came in the house with it an didnt even bat an eye, so thats a good sign LOL


Active Member
its an even better sign when i say, hey brad(jess's dad), do we have enough stuff in the shop to build a stand for that tank, an he looks at it, an says, we should have enough, it doesnt look like it'll be too heavy once u get water in it.


nice man good to see that you have a tank. sounds like that duel AC110 idea will be awsome. i wish i had the money for another tank cuz i just got a new TV and its hung on the wall so i got a perfect spot of a nice 54g curved tank. my GF said "no" she is tired of all my moeny going for fish and not her. thats no joke. she says that a real date isnt going to taco bell and then a fish store. imo thats a perfect date. but sounds good keep us posted on the tank. lots of pics.
. o yea before i forget: as far as that sand goes i think you should go with just the rregular sand. my dads got the B&W and it looks really weird. but thatts me. i like it to look as natural as possible.
good luck


Active Member
goin with the b&w sand an a black buddha statue that jess wants lol so im gonna do the sunken buddhist temple thing with this tank instead of the 40g LOL. an its gonna be a couple weeks before i can buy anything, she told me just a few minutes ago that she wants to get her tongue pierced, so thats gonna be a late christmas present to her courtesy of me lol


Active Member
hey, i dont like to do anything half baked, well, hmmm, does full baked count?
nah, i like to research an study anything i decide to do LOL


Active Member
its still runnin, gonna end up goin SW with it as soon as we get the 20 up an runnin, thats my first priority LOL. it will be easier to go corals starting out with the pico, cause the lighting cost, next to the 20, is next to nothing LOL. but, its just gonna be a lil bit of time


Active Member
right now, as soon as we get jess's late christmas present outta the way, is to get twin ac110's, then get my sand, salt, and test kits and hydrometer, thats what im gonna start off with, an then in a couple months, ill get a refractometer :p


Active Member
lol i might just do that, but, ive talked to a couple people here local who have both, an when they check their SG they use both of em, if they both give the same reading, they know its ok LOL
doesnt make much sense to me, but ok LOL
but, we're just takin this nice an slow an easy, an ordering offline, cause knowhere here local carries refracs that ive seen so far, so, ordering offline, so far, is outta the question :p
haha you stole my link that im always givin people LOL


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
lol i might just do that, but, ive talked to a couple people here local who have both, an when they check their SG they use both of em, if they both give the same reading, they know its ok LOL
doesnt make much sense to me, but ok LOL
but, we're just takin this nice an slow an easy, an ordering offline, cause knowhere here local carries refracs that ive seen so far, so, ordering offline, so far, is outta the question :p
haha you stole my link that im always givin people LOL
Who have you talked to? Store owners? I had a swing arm hydrometer for awhile when I first started salt. I kept my tanks at 1.025 and 1.026. I bought a refractometer from here and found out that they were actually 1.030 and 1.031. Did you talk to them about a cheap swing arm or do they think you were talking about a glass hydrometer? Glass ones are pretty accurate for a close figure, but a refractometer is much better.