The Start of my frist Reef tank guys !


Welcome to the addiction! I'll bet you never thought you'd find yourself staring at rock to see if something was growing on it!?!?!?! Be patient and most impotantly, keep the pictures and updates coming!
We want to know what size the aquarium is and what you're planning to do with it.


Congats and welcome to the boards! With a new tank will come new questions. These boards are very helpfull, but read as much as you can also.
Keep posting and keep sending in pic's.


I isa 110g custom made tall. uro skimmer and a corallife 85 with a sump. My sump has no sand but lots of rock and different algae and plants.


2 angels
pair of black and white clowns
shirp and goby pair
a school of chromis not sure how many
1 tang not sure what kind
alos will have a CUC but with no hermits besides maybe in my sump not sure


This is the 22 day that I have had my tank up and this is my parameters :
Calcium 50-270
Magnesium 810
KH 13.8
Alkalinity 4.91
Ammonia 0.50
Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0.0
PH 8.2
not good

What you guys think. I didn't use RO water to fill it but I am now. And I'll be doing a water change on sunday.
What is the biggest Water change you guys think I can do ?


This is the 22 day that I have had my tank up and this is my parameters :
Calcium 50-270
Magnesium 810
KH 13.8
Alkalinity 4.91
Ammonia 0.50
Nitrate 5.0
Nitrite 0.0
PH 8.2
not good

What you guys think. I didn't use RO water to fill it but I am now. And I'll be doing a water change on sunday.
What is the biggest Water change you guys think I can do ?


Active Member
well i believe 25% or 20% idk really i never had such a big tank. my biggest tank is 75g. also you have a refugium right? howcome you trates are high? and your ammonia is high as hell!!!!!!!! man you have to fix this. wish i can help. sorry
btw i love your tank and love the aquascaping as well

keep us updated


Active Member
Hi and welcome too!!!! A couple of things....The landscape looks good just watch for rockslides. As to the partial changes at this time, it looks from the numbers, that waiting for the cycle to finish may be more of why things are out of whack. More patience is always what many of us need in this obsession. Was that calcium only 250?? Not an issue with an empty tank but should be 400 or so with corals. SPS ans softies at times together make issues too. Others may pipe in on probles here. Ohhhh, what is the lighting and tank size too??
But I saw that you want to add a Mandarin. Yes they are beautiful fish, but the tank should be up and running for 6 months or so to establish a stable pod population to feed it. Too many folks buy only to watch them slowly starve with newer or too small or setups. Also watch out with having more than one Angel fish can be a problem too. Most are only one to a tank............ Good Luck...........


Thank you Big. I am not getting the manderin anytime soon. But when I do I'll be adding a 1000 pods and antho's to the tank at the same time.
As for the angels I know what u are talking about. I am hoping all the research I have done on them will help me.
So far what I know they will get along better if they get put in the tank all at once. Another there are alot of them that are angel non-aggressive for the most part and I'll use small tangs to keep them from thinking about themselfs.
But that is along way down the road. 1. NOt enough research on it all yet and kinds of angels. 2. I don't have all the money to get them all at once anytime soon.
So for now I am trying to just cycle my tank and get an non hermit crab CUC in there to keep it nice. Also working on my scrubber build to put with my sump that filters threw algae.


14 OCT 08 22 DAY
Calcium 240
Magnesium 810
KH 14.1
alkalinity 5.3
Ammonia 0.0
Nitrate 0.0
PH 8.0
Nitrite 0.0
I think I have good news also alot of Coralline is start to grow on the rocks. Lots on light pruple, dark purple, red, and dark red. The algae is going away.

Do you guys think it is ok to put anything in it now ?