the sun polyps with barnacles


Active Member
here is the picture. please read my other post on how to keep the barnacles and oyster!!!!! you can see the two barnacles in the center, the larger mass of polyps is the one that is covering the oyster. most of the polyps are closed because the lights were on, and im working on training them to open during the day.


Active Member
very very cool
they are just filter feeders they will filter out food floating around in the water coloumn i have some barnicles on a piece of LR and a few small oysters and i dont do anything special they just feed off of what i feed the rest of the tank from live phyto to the juices from the frozen foods ... they seem to do fine....
the sun polyps on the other hand are guna have to be spot feed on a regular basis


Active Member
thanks for the info. i know about the sun polyps and feeding, but when i put mysis shrimp in the tank to feed other things it didnt open up, arent they supposed to when food is present? i'll try again later tonight when it's fully open. nice piece huh only $52.


Active Member
yeah it looks very healthy and has lots of new ones all over...
ive never had sun polyps before but im sure they will start opening up for u soon!
good luck and nice find!


Mine usually start opening as the day is coming to an end. They will open fully when the lights go out. This may be because I feed the tank at about 9:00pm. I dose bioplankton with brine and they come way out. Once the lights are off and everything else is full and sleeping, I can shut off the flow, and target feed the sun polyps with Mysis. They eat it right up. Here are some pics of it eating...



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rappa
Mine usually start opening as the day is coming to an end. They will open fully when the lights go out. This may be because I feed the tank at about 9:00pm. I dose bioplankton with brine and they come way out. Once the lights are off and everything else is full and sleeping, I can shut off the flow, and target feed the sun polyps with Mysis. They eat it right up. Here are some pics of it eating...
Thats too awesome. Thanks for sharing.


They are Mysis Shrimp, freshwater shrimp. They are frozen as well and tend to be larger than Brine.


Well not everyone was full and asleep....either that or that hermit just could miss a cameo appearance!