The switch has begun


Active Member
I have started the process of switching my tanks from my current 46gal bowfront (the seals were starting to look real bad) to my new 58gal RR. The most difficult part of this is that I have to put the new tank where the old tank is which means I am using a lot of rubbermaid containers. Last night I filled up the hotel nano (10gal) with all of my corals, they seem to be doing very well. I will be making the final switch over the weekend. My plan is to leave all my livestock (which is only enough to make the nano look nice) in the 10gal until everything is settled in the new tank. My new tank is very nice with a custom canopy with one 250w MH and two 96w VHO actinic. The filtration will be a sumpfugium, with skimmer, heater, and a 10gal refugium all in a 29gal tank. The return is fed by a Mag 9.5 to a spray bar with 3 lockline pipes. The tank will be, zoo's, LPS, clams and a few sps.
Here is a picture of the nano, sorry it is so bad it was taken from a digital camcorder and the color is way way off.


Active Member
Good luck and keep the twins out of all the rubbermaid "wading pools" you will have sitting around!
What are you doing with that old 46???

nm reef

Active Member
Must be the season for new displays.
My 55 reef will soon be a 110 reef...we should compare notes.
Best of luck and keep us posted.