The Tank is in


I just got the call, my custom 320 is in. Now I just have to find enough friends to pick it up and get it in my basement. This tank will house a baby port jackson shark.:D


Congrats.....we've had our 300 up and running for about 3 years now and opted for a "pride of lions" with some scorpions and moreys thrown in for variety.
The Port Jackson's can get to almost 4' he going to be the sole inhabitant?


Yes, he'll be by himself. Right now hes about 10 inches long. I'm hoping he doesn't get quite that big. I've seen a couple of different versions on how big they get. Any where from 3-4 feet. The tank stand still isn't finished, but I'm picking up the tank tomorrow.


Often, sharks such as this are slow growers after the first initial spurt, slowing dramatically at about 24", so a tankmate/tankmates aren't out of the question.
In particular, you might want to research particular species that live in the upper portion of the water column that wouldn't compete for space with your shark.
We currently have a baricuda in our 300 and a redfinned needlefish in our 125 with the small juvenile lions (both were less than 2" long when we caught them)
While the 'cuda of course gets too large, the needle would work very well, also some of the smaller jacks and mackeral (example the lookdown)
Use caution with fish like a miniatus grouper or many of the triggers as they can often become extremely beligerent and you awake to find your prize shark butchered.
It's my understanding that these guys are very long lived and I suspect that you can end up with a beautiful animal that's also a great pet.


Conogre, how do the barracuda do in the tank? I am currently on the look out for a couple baracudas for a 300 gallon....I am setting up my work (elementary school). Our mascot is the barracudas.... Is it a pacific baracuda? Do you have any more pics? How long have you had it and how much was it?? Thanks..


We caught the baricuda in one of our live feeder outings with a minnow siene (he was 1" long, and has grown to about 7" in 11 weeks, so no, the 300 is way too small, as they can reach 6'....ours will be returned to the sea in a few weeks, as soon as the water temp is appropriate)
There is an alternative if you can find one though, as 'cudas have a look-alike little brother called a southern sennet which averages 8"-10".
Surprisingly, the 'cuda is great in the tank, hanging to the top and staying away from the other fish and bothering none of his tank mates and approaching the glass and waiting for food just like the rest (lionfish, lunare & dragon wrass, etc.)
Curiously, baricudas eat their prey tail-first, and in instances where the foodfish is too large, will bite them in half and then swallow both halves tail first (we've raised over a dozen over the years).....we like to joke that he just proving how tough he is and LIKES the spines sticking in his throat!!**grin**
There IS an inherent risk involved though, as even at 7" he's capable of slicing a finger to the bone, and each inch makes the severity more likely....I ALWAYS feed him before working with my hands in the tank.